c-26, r. 20 - Regulation respecting the standards for equivalence of diplomas and of training for the issue of a permit by the Ordre professionnel des administrateurs agréés du Québec

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Updated to 1 September 2012
This document has official status.
chapter C-26, r. 20
Regulation respecting the standards for equivalence of diplomas and of training for the issue of a permit by the Ordre professionnel des administrateurs agréés du Québec
Professional Code
(chapter C-26, s. 93, pars. c and c.1).
Replaced, Décision 2012-05-30; 2012 G.O. 2, 3094; eff. 2012-06-28; see c. C-26, r. 19.1.
1. The secretary of the Ordre professionnel des administrateurs agréés du Québec shall forward a copy of this Regulation to a candidate wishing to have training or a diploma issued by an educational institution outside Québec recognized as equivalent.
In this Regulation, “diploma equivalence” means the recognition by the Order that a diploma issued by an educational institution outside Québec certifies that the candidate’s level of knowledge is equivalent to the level attained by the holder of a diploma recognized as meeting permit requirements.
In this Regulation, “training equivalence” means the recognition by the Order that a candidate’s training shows that the candidate has attained a level of knowledge equivalent to the level attained by the holder of a diploma recognized as meeting permit requirements.
O.C. 769-93, s. 1; O.C. 436-2009, s. 1.
2. A candidate applying for a diploma equivalence or training equivalence shall provide the secretary with the documents among the following that are necessary to support his application and with the costs required for the examination of the application in accordance with paragraph 8 of section 86.0.1 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26):
(1)  the candidate’s academic record and a description of the courses taken, with the number of credits for each course and the marks obtained;
(2)  proof that the diploma was issued;
(3)  proof that the diploma is officially recognized;
(4)  a document attesting to the candidate’s participation in a training session or in a continuing education or upgrading activity in the field of administration; and
(5)  a document attesting to the candidate’s work experience in the field of administration.
Documents written in a language other than French or English shall be accompanied by a translation.
O.C. 769-93, s. 2; O.C. 436-2009, s. 2.
3. A candidate holding a diploma issued by an educational institution outside Québec shall be granted a diploma equivalence if the diploma was issued upon completion of undergraduate university studies comprising not less than 90 credits earned in a program in administration, with each credit corresponding to 45 hours of course attendance and personal work. The credits shall be apportioned as follows:
(1)  not less than 30 credits in management; and
(2)  not less than 60 credits in finance, accounting, information systems, economics, mathematics, statistics, communication and marketing.
O.C. 769-93, s. 3.
4. A candidate holding a diploma that does not meet the requirements of section 3 and holding a master’s degree or a doctorate shall be granted a diploma equivalence if the degree or doctorate was issued upon completion of a graduate program in administration comprising not less than 45 credits or the equivalent. The credits shall be apportioned as follows:
(1)  not less than 15 credits in management; and
(2)  not less than 30 credits in finance, accounting, information systems, economics, mathematics, statistics, communication and marketing.
O.C. 769-93, s. 4.
5. Notwithstanding sections 3 and 4, where the diploma in respect of which an equivalence application has been filed was issued 5 or more years prior to the application, a diploma equivalence shall be denied if the candidate’s knowledge, taking into account developments in the profession, no longer corresponds to the knowledge currently being taught.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a diploma equivalence shall be granted if the candidate’s training and work experience since being awarded the diploma have enabled the candidate to acquire the required level of knowledge.
O.C. 769-93, s. 5.
6. Subject to section 7, a candidate shall be granted a training equivalence where he occupies a position in administration and shows that he has at least 5 years’ work experience in the field of administration and possesses a level of knowledge equivalent to the level attained upon completion of university level studies comprising not less than 90 credits in administration.
O.C. 769-93, s. 6.
7. In order to determine whether a candidate possesses the level of knowledge required by section 6, the Order shall take into account all of the following factors:
(1)  the fact that the candidate holds one or more diplomas obtained in Québec or elsewhere;
(2)  the courses taken, the number of credits for each course, each credit representing 45 hours of course attendance or personal work, and the marks obtained;
(3)  the training sessions or other continuing education or upgrading activities in the field of administration;
(4)  the total number of years of schooling; and
(5)  the relevant work experience in the field of administration.
O.C. 769-93, s. 7; O.C. 436-2009, s. 3.
8. The secretary transmits the documents specified in section 2 to the executive committee in order for it to study the requests for equivalency of diploma or of training and to make a recommendation to the board of directors.
For the purposes of formulating a recommendation, the executive committee may convene the candidate who requests the recognition of equivalence, to an interview or it may ask him to pass an examination or to do both.
O.C. 769-93, s. 8; O.C. 436-2009, s. 4.
9. At the first meeting of the board of directors following the date of receipt of a recommendation of the executive committee, the board of directors decides whether it agrees or refuses to recognize the equivalence applied for and informs the candidate of its decision in writing within 30 days of its decision.
The board of directors must, if it refuses to recognize the equivalence requested, notify the candidate of the existence of curricula, courses, internships or examinations the success of which would enable him to benefit of this equivalence. It must also inform the candidate of his right to seek a review of its decision in accordance with section 10.
O.C. 769-93, s. 9; O.C. 436-2009, s. 4.
10. A candidate who is informed of the board of directors’ decision not to recognize the equivalence applied for, may apply for a review of the decision on condition that such application is made in writing to the secretary within 30 days following receipt of the decision.
The committee formed by the board of directors pursuant to paragraph 2 of section 86.0.1 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26) and consisting of persons other than members of the board of directors or of the executive committee, reviews the application and renders its decision within 60 days following the date of receipt of the application.
Before making a decision on the application, the committee must allow to the candidate to submit his observations.
For that purpose, the secretary of the Order shall inform the candidate of the date, place and time of the meeting at which the application will be examined, by means of a written notice sent by registered mail at least 15 days before the meeting is held.
The candidate wishing to be present for the purpose of submitting his observations must inform the secretary accordingly at least 10 days before the date scheduled for the meeting. He may also convey written observations to the secretary at any time before the date scheduled for the meeting.
The committee’s decision is final and must be transmitted to the candidate by registered mail within 30 days following the date of the meeting at which such decision was made.
O.C. 769-93, s. 10; O.C. 436-2009, s. 4.
11. (Omitted).
O.C. 769-93, s. 11.
O.C. 769-93, 1993 G.O. 2, 3135
S.Q. 2008, c. 11, s. 212
O.C. 436-2009, 2009 G.O. 2, 1505