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C-24.2, r. 39.1.01
- Pilot Project for the use of a flashing green light on a road vehicle driven by a firefighter responding to an emergency call
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Updated to 24 August 2015
This document has official status.
C-24.2, r. 39.1.01
Pilot Project for the use of a flashing green light on a road vehicle driven by a firefighter responding to an emergency call
Highway Safety Code
(chapter C-24.2, s. 633.1)
The Pilot Project for the use of a flashing green light on a road vehicle driven by a firefighter responding to an emergency call from a fire safety service serving the territory of the regional county municipality of Les Collines-de-l’Outaouais or Bécancour is established. Its purpose is to compare the response time of firefighters called to respond to an emergency call based on whether or not they use a flashing green light on the road vehicles they drive.
M.O. 2015-08, s. 1
The administration and the assessment of the pilot project are entrusted to the Minister of Public Security.
M.O. 2015-08, s. 2
For the purposes of the administration of the pilot project, agreements may be entered into with the regional county municipalities of Les Collines-de-l’Outaouais and Bécancour and with their local authorities that have established a fire safety service.
The agreements may provide for any clause useful for the administration of the pilot project, including:
the obligation to transmit information concerning the pilot project, among others, to the firefighters of the fire safety services serving the territory concerned, to the citizens of the regional county municipalities of Les Collines-de-l’Outaouais, Papineau, La Vallée-de-la-Gatineau, Pontiac, Bécancour, Lotbinière, L’Érable, Arthabaska or Nicolet-Yamaska, or Ville de Gatineau, as applicable, and to the police forces serving the territory of those municipalities;
the terms and conditions of funding;
the data to be collated;
an accounting to be rendered to the Minister of Public Security.
The agreements are published on the websites of the Ministère de la Sécurité publique and of the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec.
M.O. 2015-08, s. 3
Only a firefighter in the territory of the regional county municipality of Les Collines-de-l’Outaouais, Papineau, La Vallée-de-la-Gatineau, Pontiac, Bécancour, Lotbinière, L’Érable, Arthabaska or Nicolet-Yamaska, or in the Ville de Gatineau, who is responding to an emergency call from a fire safety service covered by an agreement entered into in accordance with section 3 may activate the flashing green light of the road vehicle he or she is driving. The firefighter is authorized, where the circumstances so require and where the light is activated, to drive on the shoulder and to stop the vehicle in any place. The firefighter must act in a manner that does not endanger human life or safety.
M.O. 2015-08, s. 4
The road vehicle on which the flashing green light is installed must not be an emergency vehicle. The light must be installed on the inside of the windshield by means of suction cups, within the area covered by the motion of the windshield wipers and outside the tinted area at the upper border of the windshield.
M.O. 2015-08, s. 5
The green flashing light must be of the light-emitting diode (LED) type and must be equipped with an integrated light-shield device to minimize glare affecting the driver due to the reflections of the green light on the windshield.
The light must be powered by an electrical plug inserted into a 12-V socket in the vehicle. It must be no more than 180 mm wide, 76 mm high and 185 mm deep in size. It may be of the single- or double-module type. Its light-emitting diodes must flash simultaneously when it is activated, including where it is of the double-module type. The flash rate must be between 1 Hz and 4 Hz.
M.O. 2015-08, s. 6
Anyone who activates a flashing green light, travels with a road vehicle or stops it in violation of section 4 or a firefighter who activates the flashing green light of a road vehicle where the vehicle or the installation of the light in the vehicle does not comply with section 5 or where the light does not comply with section 6 is guilty of an offence and is liable to a fine of $200 to $300.
M.O. 2015-08, s. 7
Where a firefighter who has activated a flashing green light is involved in an accident, the authority responsible for the fire safety service must, within 8 days, give notification of the accident to the Direction de l’expertise et de la sécurité des véhicules of the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec, 333, boulevard Jean-Lesage, C-4-21, C. P. 19600, Québec (Québec) G1K 8J6, email: desv@saaq.gouv.qc.ca
M.O. 2015-08, s. 8
An assessment of the pilot project is made annually within 90 days following the date of its coming into force.
An assessment including recommendations in respect of the use of a flashing green light on a road vehicle driven by a firefighter responding to an emergency call is also made not later than 90 days after the expiry of the pilot project.
M.O. 2015-08, s. 9
This Order applies despite sections 226.1, 239, 347, 381, 382 to 384, 386, 388 and 418 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2).
M.O. 2015-08, s. 10
This Order is revoked on 24 August 2018.
M.O. 2015-08, s. 11
M.O. 2015-08, 2015 G.O. 2, 1066
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