A-3.001, r. 15 (2019) - Regulation respecting the Table of income replacement indemnities payable under the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases and of indemnities payable under the Workers’ Compensation Act for 2019

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter A-3.001, r. 15 (2019)
Regulation respecting the Table of income replacement indemnities payable under the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases and of indemnities payable under the Workers’ Compensation Act for 2019
Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases
(chapter A-3.001, s. 63).
Workers’ Compensation Act
(chapter A-3, s. 124 par. d).
1. For 2019, for the purposes of calculating the weighted net income of a worker applied in establishing the income replacement indemnity payable under the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases (chapter A-3.001) as of the 15th day following the commencement of his disability and the indemnity payable under the Workers’ Compensation Act (chapter A-3), family situations shall be determined as follows:
(1)  Single or single parent family:
(a)  Worker with no dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(b)  Worker with 1 dependent of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(c)  Worker with 2 dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(d)  Worker with 3 dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(e)  Worker with 4 or more dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(2)  Worker with dependent spouse:
(a)  Worker with no dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(b)  Worker with 1 dependent of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(c)  Worker with 2 dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(d)  Worker with 3 dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(e)  Worker with 4 or more dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(3)  Worker with non-dependent spouse:
(a)  Worker with no dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(b)  Worker with 1 dependent of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(c)  Worker with 2 dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(d)  Worker with 3 dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent;
(e)  Worker with 4 or more dependents of full age:
i.  Worker with no minor dependents;
ii.  Worker with 1 or more minor dependent.
Decision 2018-11-15, s. 1.
2. For the purpose of establishing income replacement indemnities payable to a worker under the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases (chapter A-3.001) as of the 15th day following the commencement of his disability or establishing indemnities payable under the Workers’ Compensation Act (chapter A-3), a worker’s gross income shall be taken into consideration up to the maximum yearly insurable earnings for 2019, namely $76,500.
Decision 2018-11-15, s. 2.
3. For 2019, Schedule A provides the gross income brackets considered in calculating a worker’s weighted net income and, for each family situation, the amounts representing the income replacement indemnity payable under the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases (chapter A-3.001) as of the 15th day following the commencement of his disability or the indemnity payable under the Workers’ Compensation Act (chapter A-3).
Decision 2018-11-15, s. 3.
4. Where a worker’s gross income falls between 2 income brackets, his indemnity shall be determined on the basis of the higher bracket.
Decision 2018-11-15, s. 4.
5. (Omitted).
Decision 2018-11-15, s. 5.
Schedule A
(s. 3)
Income replacement indemnity or indemnity payable under the Workers’ Compensation Act for 2019 (90% of weighted net income for 2019)
Decision 2018-11-15, Sch. A.
Decision 2018-11-15, 2018 G.O. 2, 5106