32. Any municipality, by by-law, may adopt a program for the renewal of any part of its territory; such program shall indicate(a) the territory covered by the program;
(b) the purposes for which each part of such territory is to be used;
(c) the immoveables to be acquired and the land to be cleared, with a description of each according to article 2168 of the Civil Code;
(d) the steps to be taken to rehouse the persons who must be evicted in order to carry out the program;
(e) the location and width of public or private streets and of lanes or public places on private land;
(f) the subdivisions and locations of streets and the lanes or public places which do not accord with the program and so must be altered;
(g) the public services that will have to be installed or changed;
(h) the laying out and dimensions of public or private streets and lanes according to the topography of the ground and their intended use;
(i) the places where dwellings, commercial or industrial establishments and all other buildings, including public buildings, may be erected;
(j) the architecture, dimensions, symmetry, alignment and destination of the structures which may be erected in each of the zones which may be established, the use of any immoveable located therein, the area and dimensions of lots, the proportion of lots which may be occupied by structures, the space which must be left clear between structures and the lines of lots, the space which, on such lots, must be reserved for a park or for the parking, loading or unloading of vehicles and the manner of arranging such space;
(k) the standards relating to plans for the construction or alteration of or additions to buildings, to projects for changes of the destination or use of an immoveable or to the moving of a building, that a proprietor must previously submit to the municipality and the certificates of approval he must obtain;
(l) the standards of occupancy of buildings;
(m) the manner of posting up advertisements, signs and sign-boards;
(n) the steps to be taken for the improvement and maintenance of immoveables.