70. The review committee shall be composed of(1) the national medical director of pre-hospital emergency services;
(2) an ambulance technician designated by the union of ambulance technicians of which the technician concerned is a member or, if the technician is not a union member, an ambulance technician chosen by the technician concerned to represent him or her;
(3) two persons, including a regional medical director, designated by a majority of the health and social services agencies other than the health and social services agency in whose territory the ambulance technician concerned acted, that are not attached to that agency;
(4) a person designated by the operators of ambulance services having no employment relationship with the ambulance technician concerned;
(5) an ambulance technician instructor designated by the general and vocational colleges that provide ambulance technician training;
(6) an ambulance technician designated by one or more organizations whose main object is the development and enhancement of the fields of practice of ambulance technicians.
If the persons or bodies mentioned in subparagraphs 2 to 6 of the first paragraph fail to agree on the designation of their representatives within the time specified in the second paragraph of section 69, the Minister shall designate them.