99.1. For the purposes of paragraphs b, d, d.1 and d.2 of section 99, the rules provided for in the second paragraph apply where(a) in the case of paragraphs b and d, the change in use of property occurs during a taxpayer’s taxation year that includes 28 February 2000 or 17 October 2000, or that begins after 28 February 2000 and ends before 17 October 2000;
(b) in the case of paragraph d.1, the acquisition of property occurs during a transferor’s taxation year that includes 28 February 2000 or 17 October 2000, or that begins after 28 February 2000 and ends before 17 October 2000; and
(c) in the case of paragraph d.2, the acquisition of property occurs during a corporation’s taxation year that includes 28 February 2000 or 17 October 2000, or that begins after 28 February 2000 and ends before 17 October 2000.
The fraction “1/2” and the word “twice” in paragraphs b, d and d.1 of section 99, and the fraction “1/2” in paragraph d.2 of that section shall be replaced, with the necessary modifications, by(a) in the case of the fraction “1/2” in paragraphs b and d, the fraction in paragraphs a to d of section 231.0.1 that applies to the taxpayer for the year in which the change in use of property occurs;
(b) in the case of the fraction “1/2” in paragraph d.1, the fraction in paragraphs a to d of section 231.0.1 that applies to the transferor of the property for the year in which the transferor disposed of the property;
(c) in the case of the fraction “1/2” in paragraph d.2, the fraction in paragraphs a to d of section 231.0.1 that applies to the corporation for the year in which the acquisition of the property occurs;
(d) in the case of the word “twice” in paragraphs b and d, the fraction that is the reciprocal of the fraction in paragraphs a to d of section 231.0.1 that applies to the taxpayer for the year in which the change in use of property occurs; and
(e) in the case of the word “twice” in paragraph d.1, the fraction that is the reciprocal of the fraction in paragraphs a to d of section 231.0.1 that applies to the transferor of the property for the year in which the transferor disposed of the property.