C-27.1 - Municipal Code of Québec

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M.C. 1916, Form 11; 1987, c. 57, s. 772.
(Article 353)

Oath of Agent of a Candidate, or of Elector representing aŠCandidateŠŠ I, the undersigned, G. H., agent for (or elector representing,Šas the case may be), J. K., one of the candidates at theŠelection now pending for the municipality of ................Šsolemnly swear (or, if one of the persons permitted by law toŠaffirm in civil cases, solemnly affirm) that I will keep secretŠthe name of the candidate for whom any of the voters at the pollŠin the municipality of ............. may have marked his ballotŠin my presence, at this election: So help me God.Š G. H.ŠŠ Sworn (or affirmed) before me, at ........, this ........ dayŠof ....................., 19.....ŠŠ A. B.,Š Presiding-Officer,Š or C. P.,Š Justice of the Peace.
M.C. 1916, Form 11.