C-25 - Code of Civil Procedure

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Schedule 3
(Article 764)

TAKE NOTICE that the applicant has filed this application in the office of the court of the judicial district of ..............
The application will be presented on .............. to the .............. Court of the judicial district of .............. (or to one of its judges in chambers or to the clerk, as the case may be). If you wish to contest the application, you will be required to indicate verbally, at the time of presentation of the application, the means of contestation and the requests you intend to present.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, if you do not appear at the date fixed for the presentation of the application, the applicant will be granted a judgment by default without further notice or extension.
It is important that you take action within the time limit indicated, either by retaining the services of an attorney who will represent you and act in your name, or by doing so yourself in accordance with the formalities of law.
Please act accordingly.
1992, c. 57, s. 419.