C-19 - Cities and Towns Act

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531. An immovable sold for taxes may be redeemed by the owner or his legal representatives, at any time within the year following the day of adjudication, by paying to the purchaser the price of sale, including the cost of the certificate of adjudication, with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum, a fraction of a year being counted as a whole year.
When the immovable sold is vacant land, the amount payable to the purchaser shall also include the total of the municipal and school taxes, general and special, imposed upon the immovable from the date of adjudication to the date of redemption, if they have been paid by the purchaser; if they have not been paid, the redemption shall free the purchaser therefrom and shall bind the owner to pay them.
R. S. 1964, c. 193, s. 567.