E-2.1 - Act respecting elections in certain municipalities

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11. Each electoral district must be delimited in such a manner than the number of electors of that district is not more than 15% above or below the quotient obtained by dividing the total number of electors of the municipality by the number of districts.
For the purposes of this section, the word elector has the meaning given to it by section 3.6. The act governing the municipality respecting where the right to vote may be exercised applies, mutatismutandis, to determine the district where a person is an elector.
A by-law delimiting a district where the number of electors is more than 15% above or below the quotient determined under the first paragraph cannot come into force unless approved by the Commission.
1978, c. 63, s. 11; 1980, c. 16, s. 10; 1982, c. 54, s. 40.
11. Each electoral district must be delimited in such a manner than the number of electors of that district is not more than 15% above or below the quotient obtained by dividing the total number of electors of the municipality by the number of districts.
For the purposes of this section, the word elector has the meaning given to it by section 3.6. The act governing the municipality respecting where the right to vote may be exercised applies, mutatismutandis, to determine the district where a person is an elector.
A by-law delimiting a district where the number of electors is more than 15% above or below the quotient determined under the first paragraph cannot come into force unless approved by the director general for representation.
1978, c. 63, s. 11; 1980, c. 16, s. 10.
11. Each electoral district must be delimited in such a manner that the population of that district equals, within 15%, the quotient obtained by dividing the total population of the municipality by the number of districts.
For the application of the first paragraph, the total population of the municipality is established on the basis of the census of the population of Canada carried out in 1976 by Statistics Canada in accordance with the Statistics Act (Statutes of Canada, 1970-71-72, chapter 15).
A by-law delimiting a district where the population is more than 15% above or below the quotient determined under the first paragraph cannot come into force unless approved by the Commission.
1978, c. 63, s. 11.