m-20 - Act respecting the Ministère des Affaires culturelles

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Replaced on 1 January 1993
This document has official status.
chapter M-20
Act respecting the Ministère des Affaires culturelles
Chapter M-20 is replaced by the Act respecting the Ministère de la Culture (chapter M-17.1). (1992, c. 65, s. 50).
1992, c. 65, s. 50.
1. The Minister of Cultural Affairs, in this act called the “Minister”, shall have the direction and administration of the Ministère des Affaires culturelles.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 1; 1977, c. 5, s. 14.
2. The Minister shall promote the development of arts and letters in Québec and, within the scope of the policy on Canadian intergovernmental affairs and the policy on international affairs, their diffusion abroad.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 2; 1988, c. 41, s. 68.
3. He shall have jurisdiction over the Commission des biens culturels du Québec.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 3; 1969, c. 26, s. 17; 1974, c. 6, s. 104; 1974, c. 15, s. 40; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1980, c. 11, s. 64; 1983, c. 37, s. 186; 1986, c. 84, s. 1.
4. The Minister shall have charge of the national libraries and museums and of archives, and control of the conservatories of music and dramatic art and of artistic, literary and scientific competitions.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 4; 1969, c. 26, s. 18; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1983, c. 23, s. 109; 1983, c. 38, s. 68.
4.1. The Minister shall propose to the Government a book industry development policy and, within the scope of that policy, devise rules respecting the acquisition of books on behalf of departments, agencies and bodies contemplated in section 2 of the Act respecting the development of Québec firms in the book industry (chapter D-8.1) and norms and scales respecting the mode of calculating the sales prices of books distributed in Québec.
1979, c. 68, s. 49.
4.2. The Minister shall coordinate the implementation of the book industry development policy approved by the Government and see to the application of the rules adopted by it in respect of that industry.
1979, c. 68, s. 49.
4.3. For the purposes of the application of this Act or any other Act for which he is responsible, the Minister may
(a)  make, according to law, an agreement with any government, department or governmental body or with any other person;
(b)  grant aid, on the conditions he determines, to any person whose activities are under his authority in virtue of this Act.
1979, c. 68, s. 49; 1988, c. 69, s. 50.
5. The Minister shall lay before the Legislature, within fifteen days of the opening of each session, a detailed report of his activities and those of the bodies under his jurisdiction during the preceding fiscal year.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 5.
6. The Government shall appoint a Deputy Minister of Cultural Affairs.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 6.
7. Under the direction of the Minister, the Deputy Minister shall have the supervision of the other officers and employees of the department, shall manage its current business and exercise such other powers as are assigned to him by the Government.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 7.
8. The orders of the Deputy Minister must be carried out in the same manner as those of the Minister; his authority shall be that of the incumbent minister of the department and his official signature shall give force and authority to any document within the jurisdiction of the department.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 8; 1978, c. 15, s. 140.
9. The Government shall also appoint, in conformity with the Public Service Act (chapter F-3.1.1), all other officers and employees necessary for the proper administration of the department.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 9; 1965 (1st sess.), c. 14, s. 81; 1978, c. 15, s. 140; 1983, c. 55, s. 161.
10. The respective duties of the officers and employees of the department not expressly defined by law or by the Government shall be determined by the Minister.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 10.
11. No deed, document or writing shall bind the department or be attributed to the Minister unless it is signed by him, by the Deputy Minister or by a functionary, and only, as regards the latter, to the extent determined by regulation of the Government published in the Gazette officielle du Québec.
The Government may, however, upon the conditions it fixes, allow the required signature to be affixed by means of an automatic device to such documents as it determines.
The Government may also allow a facsimile of the required signature to be engraved, lithographed or printed on such documents as it determines; in such case, the facsimile has the same force as the signature itself if the document is countersigned by a person authorized by the Minister.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 11; 1977, c. 25, s. 1.
12. Every copy of a document forming part of the records of the department, certified by the Minister or the Deputy Minister as a true copy, shall be authentic and shall have the same effect as the original.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 12.
Repealed, 1986, c. 84, s. 2.
1986, c. 84, s. 2.
13. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 18; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1986, c. 84, s. 2.
14. (Repealed).
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 19; 1986, c. 84, s. 2.
15. The amount of the grant that may be made annually to the Academy of Music of Québec for the holding of contests with a view to awarding scholarships called Prix d’Europe shall be established by the Government.
The Academy of Music of Québec shall determine, by by-law, the conditions respecting the holding of such contests, the awarding of scholarships, the purposes for which they shall be used and the places where they may be used.
Every by-law made under this section, in order to become executory, must be approved by the Government and published in the Gazette officielle du Québec.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 20; 1988, c. 15, s. 1.
16. The Academy of Music of Québec, with the approval of the Minister of Cultural Affairs, may authorize the holder of a “Prix d’Europe” to carry on his musical studies elsewhere than in Europe.
R. S. 1964, c. 57, s. 21.
Repealed, 1983, c. 37, s. 187.
1983, c. 37, s. 187.
17. (Repealed).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1978, c. 15, s. 140; 1983, c. 37, s. 187.
18. (Repealed).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1983, c. 37, s. 187.
Replaced 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
1983, c. 38, s. 49.
19. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1978, c. 15, s. 140; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
20. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
21. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
22. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
23. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
24. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
25. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
26. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
27. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
28. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
29. (Replaced).
1969, c. 26, s. 19; 1983, c. 38, s. 49.
This Division ceased to have effect on 17 April 1987.
30. (This section ceased to have effect on 17 April 1987).
1982, c. 21, s. 1; U. K., 1982, c. 11, Sch. B, Part I, s. 33.

In accordance with section 17 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes (chapter R-3), chapter 57 of the Revised Statutes, 1964, in force on 31 December 1977, is repealed effective from the coming into force of chapter M-20 of the Revised Statutes.