m-30.01 - Act respecting the Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation

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Updated to 5 January 2014
This document has official status.
chapter M-30.01
Act respecting the Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation
The Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation is designated under the name of Ministère de l’Économie, de la Science et de l’Innovation. Order in Council 31-2016 dated 28 January 2016, (2016) 148 G.O. 2 (French), 1256.
2006, c. 8, s. 1.
1. The Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation shall be under the direction of the Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade, appointed under the Executive Power Act (chapter E-18).
2003, c. 29, s. 1; 2006, c. 8, s. 2.
The Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade is designated under the name of Minister of Economy and Innovation. The Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation is designated under the name of Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation. Order in Council 820-2019 dated 14 August 2019, (2019) 151 G.O. 2 (French), 3787.
2. The mission of the Minister shall be to support economic development and export trade, particularly by encouraging coordinated and concerted action among the various players in the economic, social and cultural areas in order to promote job creation, economic prosperity and sustainable development.
2003, c. 29, s. 2; 2006, c. 8, s. 3; 2013, c. 28, s. 167.
3. The Minister shall formulate policies in the areas under the Minister’s authority and propose them to the Government with a view to fostering the development of industry, trade and cooperatives.
The Minister shall implement these policies and oversee and coordinate their application in collaboration with any government departments and bodies concerned.
2003, c. 29, s. 3; 2005, c. 37, s. 35; 2006, c. 8, s. 4; 2013, c. 28, s. 168.
4. The Minister shall also be responsible for the administration of the Acts assigned to the Minister, and shall assume any other responsibility conferred on the Minister by the Government.
2003, c. 29, s. 4.
5. The functions and powers of the Minister shall be, more particularly, to
(1)  frame and implement development strategies and assistance programs in collaboration with any government departments and bodies concerned;
(2)  (paragraph repealed);
(3)  seek new investments, expand existing markets and ensure that activities resulting from these investment prospecting and market expansion efforts are realized within the scope of the policy on Canadian intergovernmental affairs and the policy on international affairs;
(4)  (paragraph repealed);
(5)  (paragraph repealed);
(6)  increase the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at stimulating economic development by promoting the harmonization, simplification and accessibility of entrepreneurial support services;
(7)  ensure that government action to support economic development is coherent and concordant by taking part in the development of related measures and ministerial decisions and giving an opinion whenever appropriate;
(8)  be responsible, in conjunction with recognized local authorities, for the funds made available to such authorities and administer the other sums entrusted to the Minister for the carrying out of economic development projects;
(9)  make agreements with government departments and bodies, particularly with the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie, on cooperative arrangements to facilitate the exercise of the Minister’s responsibilities; and
(10)  advise the Government and government departments and bodies and make recommendations, where warranted.
2003, c. 29, s. 5; 2005, c. 37, s. 36; 2006, c. 8, s. 5; 2013, c. 4, s. 13; 2013, c. 28, s. 169.
6. In the exercise of ministerial responsibilities, the Minister may
(1)  obtain the necessary information from government departments and bodies;
(2)  enter into agreements with a person, association, partnership or body;
(3)  facilitate the development and signing of agreements, particularly between bodies and government departments and bodies;
(4)  enter into agreements in accordance with the applicable legislative provisions with a government other than that of Québec, a department of such a government, an international organization, or a body under the authority of such a government or organization; and
(5)  conduct or commission research, studies and analyses and make the findings public.
2003, c. 29, s. 6.
7. The Minister may take all appropriate measures in the pursuit of the Minister’s mission. In particular, the Minister shall provide financial and technical support for the realization of actions or projects, subject to the conditions determined by the Minister under government guidelines and policies and, in certain cases, with the authorization of the Government.
2003, c. 29, s. 7.
8. The Minister may make regulations to
(1)  prescribe the fees payable for any act performed or document issued by the Minister; and
(2)  prescribe the fees, costs or other compensation payable for the services provided by the Minister.
2003, c. 29, s. 8.
9. The Minister shall lay the department’s annual management report before the National Assembly within four months of the end of the fiscal year or, if the Assembly is not sitting, within 15 days of resumption.
2003, c. 29, s. 9; 2006, c. 8, s. 6.
10. The Government, in accordance with the Public Service Act (chapter F-3.1.1), shall appoint a person as Deputy Minister of the Ministère du Développement économique, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation.
2003, c. 29, s. 10; 2006, c. 8, s. 7.
11. Under the direction of the Minister, the Deputy Minister shall administer the department.
The Deputy Minister shall, in addition, perform any other function assigned by the Government or the Minister.
2003, c. 29, s. 11.
12. In the performance of deputy-ministerial functions, the Deputy Minister has the authority of the Minister.
2003, c. 29, s. 12.
13. The Deputy Minister may, in writing and to the extent indicated, delegate the exercise of deputy-ministerial functions under this Act to a public servant or the holder of a position.
The Deputy Minister may, in the instrument of delegation, authorize the subdelegation of the functions indicated, and in that case shall specify the public servant or holder of a position to whom the functions may be subdelegated.
2003, c. 29, s. 13.
14. The personnel of the department shall consist of the public servants required for the carrying out of the functions of the Minister; they shall be appointed in accordance with the Public Service Act (chapter F‐3.1.1).
The Minister shall determine the duties of the public servants to the extent that they are not determined by law or by the Government.
2003, c. 29, s. 14.
15. The signature of the Minister or Deputy Minister gives authority to any document emanating from the department.
A deed, document or writing is binding on the Minister or may be attributed to the Minister only if it is signed by the Minister, the Deputy Minister, a member of the personnel of the department or the holder of a position and, in the latter two cases, only so far as determined by the Government.
2003, c. 29, s. 15.
16. The Government may, subject to the conditions it determines, allow that a signature be affixed by an automatic device or electronic process.
The Government may, subject to the conditions it determines, allow that a facsimile of such a signature be engraved, lithographed or printed. The facsimile must be authenticated by the countersignature of a person authorized by the Minister.
2003, c. 29, s. 16.
17. A document or copy of a document emanating from the department or forming part of its records, signed or certified true by a person referred to in the second paragraph of section 15, is authentic.
2003, c. 29, s. 17.
18. An intelligible transcription of a decision or other data stored by the department on a computer or any other computer storage medium is a document of the department and is proof of its contents where certified true by a person referred to in the second paragraph of section 15.
2003, c. 29, s. 18.
Repealed, 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
2005, c. 37, s. 37.
19. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 19; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
20. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 20; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
21. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 21; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
22. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 22; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
23. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 23; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
24. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 24; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
25. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 25; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
26. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 26; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
27. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 27; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
28. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 28; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
29. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 29; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
30. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 30; 2005, c. 37, s. 37.
Repealed, 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
2011, c. 16, s. 122.
Repealed, 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
2011, c. 16, s. 122.
31. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 31; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
32. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 32; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
33. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 33; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
34. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 34; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
35. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 35; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
36. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 36; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
37. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 37; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
38. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 38; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
39. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 39; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
Repealed, 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
2011, c. 16, s. 122.
40. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 40; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
41. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 41; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
42. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 42; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
43. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 43; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
44. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 44; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
Repealed, 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
2011, c. 16, s. 122.
45. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 45; 2011, c. 16, s. 122.
Chapter renumbered, see Chapter IV of chapter M- (2013, c. 28, s. 208).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
Division renumbered, see Division I of Chapter IV of chapter M- (2013, c. 28, s. 208).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
45.1. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 64 of chapter M-
45.2. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 65 of chapter M-
45.3. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 66 of chapter M-
45.4. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 67 of chapter M-
45.5. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 68 of chapter M-
45.6. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 69 of chapter M-
45.7. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 70 of chapter M-
45.8. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 71 of chapter M-
45.9. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 72 of chapter M-
Division renumbered, see Division II of Chapter IV of chapter M- (2013, c. 28, s. 208).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
45.10. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 73 of chapter M-
45.11. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 74 of chapter M-
45.12. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 75 of chapter M-
45.13. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 76 of chapter M-
45.14. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 243; 2013, c. 28, s. 208.
See section 77 of chapter M-
2011, c. 16, s. 59.
Division renumbered, see subdivision 1 of Division II of Chapter III of chapter M- (2013, c. 28, s. 207).
2013, c. 28, s. 207.
46. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 46; 2011, c. 16, s. 60; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 21 of chapter M-
47. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 47; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 22 of chapter M-
48. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 48; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 23 of chapter M-
49. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 49; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 24 of chapter M-
50. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 50; 2011, c. 16, s. 61; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 25 of chapter M-
50.1. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 62; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 26 of chapter M-
50.2. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 62; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 27 of chapter M-
50.3. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 62; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 28 of chapter M-
51. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 51; 2011, c. 16, s. 63; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 29 of chapter M-
52. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 52; 2011, c. 16, s. 64; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 30 of chapter M-
53. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 53; 2011, c. 16, s. 65; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 31 of chapter M-
54. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 54; 2011, c. 16, s. 66; I.N. 2014-01-01; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 32 of chapter M-
55. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 55; 2011, c. 16, s. 67; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 33 of chapter M-
56. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 56; 2011, c. 16, s. 67; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 34 of chapter M-
57. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 57; 2011, c. 16, s. 68; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 35 of chapter M-
58. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 58; 2011, c. 16, s. 69; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 36 of chapter M-
59. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 59; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 37 of chapter M-
60. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 60; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 38 of chapter M-
Division renumbered, see subdivision 2 of Division II of Chapter III of chapter M- (2013, c. 28, s. 207).
2013, c. 28, s. 207.
61. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 61; 2006, c. 8, s. 8; 2011, c. 16, s. 70; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 39 of chapter M-
62. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 62; 2011, c. 16, s. 71; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 40 of chapter M-
63. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 63; 2011, c. 16, s. 72; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 41 of chapter M-
64. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 64; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 42 of chapter M-
65. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 65; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 43 of chapter M-
66. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 66; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 44 of chapter M-
67. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 67; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 45 of chapter M-
68. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 68; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 46 of chapter M-
69. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 69; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 47 of chapter M-
70. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 70; 2011, c. 16, s. 73; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 48 of chapter M-
71. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 71; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 49 of chapter M-
72. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 72; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 50 of chapter M-
73. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 73; 2011, c. 16, s. 74; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 51 of chapter M-
73.1. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 74; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 52 of chapter M-
Division renumbered, see subdivision 3 of Division II of Chapter III of chapter M- (2013, c. 28, s. 207).
2013, c. 28, s. 207.
74. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 74; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 53 of chapter M-
Division renumbered, see subdivision 4 of Division II of Chapter III of chapter M- (2013, c. 28, s. 207).
2013, c. 28, s. 207.
75. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 75; 2011, c. 16, s. 75; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 54 of chapter M-
76. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 76; 2011, c. 16, s. 76; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 55 of chapter M-
76.1. (Section renumbered).
2011, c. 16, s. 76; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 56 of chapter M-
77. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 77; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 57 of chapter M-
78. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 78; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 58 of chapter M-
79. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 79; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 59 of chapter M-
80. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 80; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 60 of chapter M-
Division renumbered, see subdivision 5 of Division II of Chapter III of chapter M- (2013, c. 28, s. 207).
2013, c. 28, s. 207.
81. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 81; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 61 of chapter M-
82. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 82; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 62 of chapter M-
83. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 83; 2013, c. 28, s. 207.
See section 63 of chapter M-
Repealed, 2006, c. 8, s. 9.
2006, c. 8, s. 9.
84. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 84; 2006, c. 8, s. 9.
85. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 85; 2006, c. 8, s. 9.
86. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 86; 2006, c. 8, s. 9.
87. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 87; 2006, c. 8, s. 9.
88. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 88; 2006, c. 8, s. 9.
2006, c. 8, s. 10.
Heading replaced, 2006, c. 8, s. 10.
2006, c. 8, s. 10.
89. The Minister shall enter into an agreement with the regional county municipality concerning its role and responsibilities in local development and the conditions under which they are to be exercised.
This agreement must take into account the powers and obligations of the regional county municipality under sections 90 and 91.
The regional county municipality shall administer the funds entrusted to it under this agreement and holds all the necessary powers to carry out the agreement.
2003, c. 29, s. 89.
90. A regional county municipality may take any measure to promote local development and entrepreneurial support within its territory.
To that end, it may more particularly
(1)  offer a full range of front-line services to businesses, possibly in partnership with persons or bodies including those from the private sector, by grouping or coordinating those services and providing funding for them;
(2)  develop a local plan of action to stimulate the economy and create employment taking into account the five-year development plan established by the regional conference of elected officers in its territory and, if applicable, the metropolitan land use and development plan as well as the general economic development plan adopted by the metropolitan community in its territory, and see to the implementation of the local plan of action;
(3)  formulate, in keeping with provincial and regional orientations, strategies and objectives, a strategy for the development of entrepreneurship, including social economy entrepreneurship; and
(4)  act as an advisory body for the benefit of the local employment centre serving its territory.
This section applies despite the Municipal Aid Prohibition Act (chapter I‐15).
2003, c. 29, s. 90.
91. The regional county municipality shall entrust the exercise of its powers under section 90 to a body it shall constitute under the name “local development centre”. It may also designate an existing body as a local development centre.
The regional county municipality may also assign the local development centre a mandate stemming from a power conferred to it by law or from an agreement with the Government or one of its Ministers or bodies.
2003, c. 29, s. 91.
92. A local development centre must be a non-profit body constituted under Part III of the Companies Act (chapter C‐38).
A local development centre may also be designated by the initialism “LDC”. No person or body may use a name that includes the words “local development centre” or the initialism “LDC” unless designated as such under this Act.
A local development centre shall carry out its activities in compliance with the agreement made under section 89 and in keeping with the expectations expressed by the regional county municipality.
2003, c. 29, s. 92.
93. Local development centres shall be distributed as follows:
(1)  the territory of a regional county municipality may be served by one local centre only; and
(2)  the territories of two or more regional county municipalities may be served by the same local centre.
The territory of Ville de Montréal may be served by more than one local development centre, in which case the city shall identify their respective territories.
2003, c. 29, s. 93.
94. The regional county municipality shall appoint the members of the board of directors of a local development centre it constitutes. In the case of an existing body, the body must make any changes required to the composition of its board of directors and voting rights to bring them into conformity with the second and third paragraphs.
The board of directors of a local development centre must include elected municipal officers, representatives of the business community and the social economy, and the Member of the National Assembly for any electoral division in the territory served by the local development centre, as a non-voting member. The board of directors shall also include the following persons as non-voting members:
(1)  the head of the local development centre; and
(2)  the director of the local employment centre.
Each voting member has one vote only.
2003, c. 29, s. 94.
94.1. Sections 477.4 to 477.6 and 573 to 573.3.4 of the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C-19) apply, with the necessary modifications, to a local development centre, which is deemed to be a local municipality for the purposes of any by-law under section 573.3.0.1 or 573.3.1.1 of that Act.
The following modifications are among those applicable for the purposes of the first paragraph: if the local development centre does not have a website, the entry and hyperlink referred to in the second paragraph of section 477.6 of the Cities and Towns Act must be posted on another website determined by the local development centre. The local development centre gives public notice of the website address at least once a year; the notice must be published in a newspaper in the territory of every regional county municipality served by the local development centre.
2010, c. 42, s. 25.
95. A local development centre must file an annual activity report with the regional county municipality on the date and in the manner determined by the regional county municipality, together with its financial statements for the preceding fiscal year.
The report shall contain any other information required by the regional county municipality. The financial statements shall be filed together with the auditor’s report.
2003, c. 29, s. 95.
96. For the purposes of this division, a local municipality whose territory is not comprised in that of a regional county municipality is considered a regional county municipality.
The same is true for
(1)  the James Bay Regional Administration, which is also considered to be a regional county municipality for the purpose of adopting a by-law under section 12 of the Municipal Powers Act (chapter C-47.1), prescribing the amount that the Eeyou Istchee James Bay Regional Government, Ville de Chapais, Ville de Chibougamau, Ville de Lebel-sur-Quévillon and Ville de Matagami are required to pay in support of the local development centre; and
(2)  the Cree Nation Government constituted by the Act respecting the Cree Nation Government (chapter G-1.031), with respect to Category I lands, Category II lands and the persons residing on those lands, as defined in that Act, except that the Cree Nation Government may itself exercise the powers described in section 90, taking into account the policy directions, strategies and objectives it determines in consultation with the Cree communities defined in the Act.
The local development centre of the regional conference of elected officers mentioned in subparagraph 1 of the second paragraph and the Cree Nation Government may cooperate in order to support contractors in carrying out projects on Category III lands, within the meaning of the Act establishing the Eeyou Istchee James Bay Regional Government (chapter G-1.04), subject to the approval of these projects by the Eeyou Istchee James Bay Regional Government.
2003, c. 29, s. 96; 2009, c. 26, s. 73; 2013, c. 19, s. 72.
Division renumbered, see Division IV.3 of chapter M-22.1 (2006, c. 8, s. 11).
2006, c. 8, s. 11.
97. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 97; 2005, c. 50, s. 73; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.5 of chapter M-22.1.
98. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 98; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.6 of chapter M-22.1.
99. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 99; 2004, c. 20, s. 217; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.7 of chapter M-22.1.
100. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 100; 2005, c. 50, s. 74; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.8 of chapter M-22.1.
101. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 101; 2005, c. 50, s. 75; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.9 of chapter M-22.1.
101.1. (Section renumbered).
2004, c. 20, s. 218; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.10 of chapter M-22.1.
102. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 102; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.11 of chapter M-22.1.
103. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 103; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.12 of chapter M-22.1.
104. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 104; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.13 of chapter M-22.1.
105. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 105; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.14 of chapter M-22.1.
106. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 106; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.15 of chapter M-22.1.
107. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 107; 2005, c. 28, s. 196; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.16 of chapter M-22.1.
108. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 108; 2006, c. 8, s. 11.
See section 21.17 of chapter M-22.1.
Repealed, 2006, c. 8, s. 12.
2006, c. 8, s. 12.
109. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 109; 2006, c. 8, s. 12.
110. (Repealed).
2003, c. 29, s. 110; 2005, c. 28, s. 196; 2006, c. 8, s. 12.
Chapter renumbered, see Division IV.4 of chapter M-22.1 (2006, c. 8, s. 13).
2006, c. 8, s. 13.
111. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 111; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.18 of chapter M-22.1.
112. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 112; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.19 of chapter M-22.1.
113. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 113; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.20 of chapter M-22.1.
114. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 114; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.21 of chapter M-22.1.
115. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 115; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.22 of chapter M-22.1.
116. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 116; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.23 of chapter M-22.1.
117. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 117; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.24 of chapter M-22.1.
118. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 118; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.25 of chapter M-22.1.
119. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 119; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.26 of chapter M-22.1.
120. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 120; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.27 of chapter M-22.1.
121. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 121; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.28 of chapter M-22.1.
122. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 122; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.29 of chapter M-22.1.
Chapter renumbered, see Division IV.5 of chapter M-22.1 (2006, c. 8, s. 13).
2006, c. 8, s. 13.
123. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 123; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.30 of chapter M-22.1.
124. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 124; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.31 of chapter M-22.1.
125. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 125; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.32 of chapter M-22.1.
126. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 126; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.33 of chapter M-22.1.
127. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 127; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.34 of chapter M-22.1.
128. (Section renumbered).
2003, c. 29, s. 128; 2006, c. 8, s. 13.
See section 21.35 of chapter M-22.1.
129. (Omitted).
2003, c. 29, s. 129.
130. (Omitted).
2003, c. 29, s. 130.
131. (Omitted).
2003, c. 29, s. 131.
132. (Omitted).
2003, c. 29, s. 132.
133. (Omitted).
2003, c. 29, s. 133.
134. (Omitted).
2003, c. 29, s. 134.
§ 1.  — General amendments
135. The words “of Industry and Trade” are replaced by the words “of Economic and Regional Development and Research” and the words “de l’Industrie et du Commerce” are replaced by the words “du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche” in the following provisions:
(1)  (amendment integrated into c. A-12.1, s. 25);
(2)  (amendment integrated into c. A-13.1, ss. 11, 37, 39);
(3)  (amendment integrated into c. A-33.01, s. 21);
(4)  (amendment integrated into c. C-4, s. 50);
(5)  (amendment integrated into c. C-11.3, s. 46 of Schedule C);
(6)  (amendment integrated into c. C-11.4, s. 239 of Schedule C);
Not in force
(7)  section 8 of the Fish and Game Clubs Act (chapter C-22), enacted by section 264 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(8)  section 12 of the Amusement Clubs Act (chapter C-23), enacted by section 266 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(9)  section 1 of the Companies Act (chapter C-38), amended by section 275 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(10)  section 15 of the Cemetery Companies Act (chapter C-40), enacted by section 280 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(11)  section 53 of the Act respecting Roman Catholic cemetery corporations (chapter C-40.1), enacted by section 282 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(12)  section 99 of the Gas, Water and Electricity Companies Act (chapter C-44), enacted by section 285 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(13)  section 26 of the Telegraph and Telephone Companies Act (chapter C-45), amended by section 287 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(14)  section 24 of the Mining Companies Act (chapter C-47), amended by section 290 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(15)  section 16 of the Act respecting the constitution of certain Churches (chapter C-63), enacted by section 294 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(16)  section 20 of the Religious Corporations Act (chapter C-71), enacted by section 340 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(17)  section 190 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (chapter C-73.1), replaced by section 347 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
(18)  (amendment integrated into c. D-15.1, s. 17);
(19)  (amendment integrated into c. E-14, ss. 9.3, 17.1);
Not in force
(20)  section 23 of the Roman Catholic Bishops Act (chapter E-17), enacted by section 502 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(21)  section 76 of the Act respecting fabriques (chapter F-1), enacted by section 509 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
(22)  (amendment integrated into c. H-2.1, s. 38);
(23)  (amendment integrated into c. I-3);
Not in force
(24)  section 275 of the Act respecting the Inspector General of Financial Institutions (chapter I-11.1), amended by section 539 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
(25)  (amendment integrated into c. L-4, ss. 17, 18);
(26)  (amendment integrated into c. L-6, s. 20.1.1);
(27)  (amendment integrated into c. M-5, ss. 21, 38);
(28)  (amendment integrated into c. M-19.3, s. 9);
(29)  (amendment integrated into c. M-35.2, s. 7);
Not in force
(30)  section 54 of the Act respecting the special powers of legal persons (chapter P-16), amended by section 548 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
(31)  (inoperative, 2010, c. 7, s. 281);
(32)  (amendment integrated into c. S-16.001, s. 63);
(33)  (amendment integrated into c. S-16.01, ss. 1, 20);
(34)  (amendment integrated into c. S-17, ss. 15, 15.1, 17);
Not in force
(35)  section 8 of the National Benefit Societies Act (chapter S-31), enacted by section 614 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(36)  section 5 of the Act respecting societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals (chapter S-32), enacted by section 616 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002;
Not in force
(37)  section 31 of the Professional Syndicates Act (chapter S-40), enacted by section 620 of chapter 45 of the statutes of 2002.
2003, c. 29, s. 135.
136. (Amendment integrated into c. S-13, ss. 20.2, 30, 34.1, 37, 59 and 61).
2003, c. 29, s. 136.
137. The words “of Research, Science and Technology” are replaced by the words “of Economic and Regional Development and Research” and the words “de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie” are replaced by the words “du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche” in the following provisions:
(1)  (amendment integrated into c. C‐8.1, s. 42);
(2)  (amendment integrated into c. C‐29, s. 17.2);
(3)  (amendment integrated into c. C‐51, s. 1);
(4)  (amendment integrated into c. I‐3, ss. 227, 737.19, 737. and 1029.8.1);
(5)  (amendment integrated into c. S‐4.2, ss. 89, 90 and 91).
2003, c. 29, s. 137.
138. (Amendment integrated into c. C-61.01, s. 27).
2003, c. 29, s. 138.
139. (Amendment integrated into c. I-3, ss. 965.35, 1049.12, 1049.13 and 1049.14).
2003, c. 29, s. 139.
140. The words “Act respecting the Ministère de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie (chapter M-19.1.2)” are replaced by the words “Act respecting the Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche (chapter M-30.01)” in the following provisions:
(1)  (amendment integrated into c. A-29, s. 96);
(2)  (amendment integrated into c. M-19.2, s. 11.1);
(3)  (amendment integrated into c. S-4.2, s. 88).
2003, c. 29, s. 140.
141. The words “of Municipal Affairs and Greater Montréal” are replaced by the words “of Economic and Regional Development and Research” in the following provisions:
(1)  (amendment integrated into c. R-7, s. 1);
(2)  (amendment integrated into c. S-14.1, s. 30);
(3)  (amendment integrated into c. S-, s. 45).
2003, c. 29, s. 141.
§ 2.  — Specific amendments
142. (Amendment integrated into c. A-19.1, s. 79.20).
2003, c. 29, s. 142.
143. (Amendment integrated into c. C-11.3, s. 60.2).
2003, c. 29, s. 143.
144. (Amendment integrated into c. C-19, s. 466.2).
2003, c. 29, s. 144.
145. (Amendment integrated into c. C-27.1, s. 627.2).
2003, c. 29, s. 145.
146. (Amendment integrated into c. C-27.1, s. 688.10).
2003, c. 29, s. 146.
147. (Amendment integrated into c. E-18, s. 4).
2003, c. 29, s. 147.
148. (Amendment integrated into c. E-20.1, s. 7).
2003, c. 29, s. 148.
149. (Amendment integrated into c. I-3, s. 1029.8.21.17).
2003, c. 29, s. 149.
150. (Amendment integrated into c. M-15.001, s. 21).
2003, c. 29, s. 150.
151. (Amendment integrated into c. M-15.001, s. 38).
2003, c. 29, s. 151.
152. (Amendment integrated into c. M-15.001, s. 40).
2003, c. 29, s. 152.
153. (Amendment integrated into c. M-34, s. 1).
2003, c. 29, s. 153.
154. (Amendment integrated into c. P-41.1, s. 47).
2003, c. 29, s. 154.
155. (Amendment integrated into c. S-4.2, s. 343.1).
2003, c. 29, s. 155.
156. (Amendment integrated into c. S-10.0001, s. 50).
2003, c. 29, s. 156.
157. (Amendment integrated into c. S-, s. 5).
2003, c. 29, s. 157.
158. (Amendment integrated into c. S-, s. 33).
2003, c. 29, s. 158.
159. (Amendment integrated into c. S-17.2.2, s. 5).
2003, c. 29, s. 159.
160. (Amendment integrated into c. S-17.2.2, s. 33).
2003, c. 29, s. 160.
161. (Amendment integrated into c. S-17.2.2, s. 45).
2003, c. 29, s. 161.
162. (Amendment integrated into c. S-17.4, s. 5).
2003, c. 29, s. 162.
163. (Amendment integrated into c. S-17.4, s. 33).
2003, c. 29, s. 163.
164. (Amendment integrated into c. S-17.4, s. 45).
2003, c. 29, s. 164.
165. (Amendment integrated into c. S-17.5, s. 5).
2003, c. 29, s. 165.
166. (Amendment integrated into c. S-17.5, s. 33).
2003, c. 29, s. 166.
167. (Amendment integrated into c. S-17.5, s. 42).
2003, c. 29, s. 167.
168. (Omitted).
2003, c. 29, s. 168.
169. (Omitted).
2003, c. 29, s. 169.
170. In any agreement, regulation, by-law, order in council, ministerial order, agreement, contract or other document, regardless of its nature or form, unless the context indicates otherwise and with the necessary modifications,
(1)  a reference to the Minister or Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade is a reference to the Minister or Deputy Minister of Economic and Regional Development and Research and a reference to the Ministère de l’Industrie et du Commerce is a reference to the Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche;
(2)  a reference to the Minister or Deputy Minister of Research, Science and Technology is a reference to the Minister or Deputy Minister of Economic and Regional Development and Research and a reference to the Ministère de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie is a reference to the Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche;
(3)  a reference to the Minister or Deputy Minister of Regions is a reference to the Minister or Deputy Minister of Economic and Regional Development and Research and a reference to the Ministère des Régions is a reference to the Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche;
(4)  a reference to the Act respecting the Ministère de l’Industrie et du Commerce or to any of its provisions is a reference to the Act respecting the Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche or to the corresponding provision of that Act;
(5)  a reference to the Act respecting the Ministère de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie or to any of its provisions is a reference to the Act respecting the Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche or to the corresponding provision of that Act;
(6)  a reference to the Act respecting the Ministère des Régions or to any of its provisions is a reference to the Act respecting the Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche or to the corresponding provision of that Act.
2003, c. 29, s. 170.
171. The community economic development corporations and other bodies referred to in Schedule A to the Act respecting the Ministère des Régions (chapter M‐25.001), as it read on 22 March 2004 and a body which, on that date, was accredited in accordance with section 8 of the said Act, are deemed to be designated as local development centres under section 91 until the regional county municipality establishes or designates a new one. They shall continue to act under the name they were using on 22 March 2004.
Within the six months following 23 March 2004, such deemed designated local development centres shall make any changes required to the composition of their board of directors and voting rights to bring them into conformity with section 94.
2003, c. 29, s. 171.
172. Agreements entered into under section 12 of the Act respecting the Ministère des Régions shall remain effective until they expire or until an agreement is signed in accordance with section 89, whichever occurs first.
However, the provisions of those agreements that relate to the discontinuance of the activities of a local development centre or to the non-renewal of the agreement shall continue to apply, with the necessary modifications, after that occurrence.
2003, c. 29, s. 172.
173. Subject to the provisions of the agreement entered into under section 89, if applicable, the rights and obligations of a local development centre existing on 22 March 2004 under an agreement entered into under section 12 of the Act respecting the Ministère des Régions, except rights and obligations relating to the operating expenses of that local development centre, or under agreements entered into with government departments, bodies or local or regional groups, shall be transferred, where applicable, from that local development centre to the new local development centre established or designated by the regional county municipality as of the date of its establishment or designation.
2003, c. 29, s. 173.
174. The accreditation granted by the Minister under section 16 of the Act respecting the Ministère des Régions shall cease, for each administrative region, when an agreement is entered into in accordance with section 98.
2003, c. 29, s. 174.
175. Agreements entered into under section 19 or 20 of the Act respecting the Ministère des Régions shall remain effective until they expire or until an agreement is signed in accordance with section 98, whichever occurs first.
However, the provisions of those agreements that relate to the discontinuance of the activities of a regional development council or to the non-renewal of the agreement shall continue to apply, with the necessary modifications, after that occurrence.
2003, c. 29, s. 175.
176. Subject to the provisions of the agreement entered into under section 98, if applicable, the rights and obligations of a regional development council under an agreement entered into under section 19 or 20 of the Act respecting the Ministère des Régions, except rights and obligations relating to the operating expenses of that regional council, or under agreements entered into with government departments, bodies or regional groups, shall be transferred to the regional conference of elected officers, as of the date specified in the agreement entered into under section 98.
2003, c. 29, s. 176.
177. The property and assets of a regional development council acquired under an agreement entered into under section 19 or 20 of the Act respecting the Ministère des Régions shall be transferred, after the payment of debts and the extinction of liabilities, to the regional conference of elected officers that entered into an agreement under section 98.
2003, c. 29, s. 177.
178. The Government may determine to what extent and on which territory a Minister shall exercise the responsibilities set out in Chapter VI of this Act.
2003, c. 29, s. 178; 2006, c. 8, s. 14.
The Minister responsible for the Capitale-Nationale region is responsible for the carrying out of Chapter VI of this Act as regards the Capitale-Nationale region. The Minister is entrusted with any other provision of the Act required for the carrying out of that chapter with respect to that region. Order in Council 435-2014 dated 14 May 2014, (2014) 146 G.O. 2 (French), 1973.
The Minister responsible for the Montréal region is responsible for the carrying out of Chapter VI of this Act as regards the Montréal region. The Minister is entrusted with any other provision of the Act required for the carrying out of that chapter with respect to that region. Order in Council 434-2014 dated 14 May 2014, (2014) 146 G.O. 2 (French), 1973.
179. (Omitted).
2003, c. 29, s. 179.
(Schedule renumbered).
2003, c. 29, Schedule; Order in Council 732-2005 dated 9 August 2005, (2005) 137 G.O. 2, 3438; 2005, c. 50, s. 76; Order in Council 152-2006 dated 15 March 2006, (2006) 138 G.O. 2, 1152; 2006, c. 8, s. 15.
See Schedule B of chapter M-22.1.
In accordance with section 9 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), chapter 29 of the statutes of 2003, in force on 1 March 2005, is repealed, except sections 129 to 134 and 179, effective from the coming into force of chapter M-30.01 of the Revised Statutes.