1. In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise,“amalgamation” means a merger of several legal persons, hereinafter called “predecessor legal persons”, which are replaced to form one legal person hereinafter referred to as the “new legal person”, which is formed otherwise than by the acquisition of property of another legal person or by the distribution of property of another legal person being wound up;
“assessment” means an assessment, a reassessment or an additional assessment;
“concentration” means any processing of ore or mine tailings to separate a mineral substance from its gangue and obtain a concentrate;
“exploration” means all surface work performed for the research and identification of mineral substances in Québec, until a mineral deposit has been delimited, if the work consists in(1) geological surveys;
(2) ground or airborne geophysical surveys;
(3) photogeological analyses;
(4) geochemical or biogeochemical surveys;
(5) soil stripping;
(6) trenching;
(7) sampling and analyses;
(8) diamond drilling, percussion drilling or reverse circulation drilling;
(9) any other surface work essential to the research and identification of a mineral deposit;
“government assistance” means any direct or indirect assistance from a government, municipality or other public body, whether as a subsidy, premium, forgivable loan, tax deduction, advance, or as any other form of assistance other than assistance excluded by regulation of the Government;
“mine” means an industrial complex situated in Québec, the object of which is the extraction and processing of mineral substances, and which may include an ore processing mill, a laboratory and various infrastructures such as port and rail facilities, and a camp;
“mine development” means all work subsequent to mineral deposit evaluation work, the purpose of which is to bring into production an orebody situated in Québec, if the work consists in(1) open pit stripping of overburden and waste rock above an orebody;
(2) shaft sinking, the excavation of ramps, drifts and raises and other related mine development works, except work performed to make such openings in a mineralized zone, or giving access to a mineralized zone if the total length of the opening is less than 20 metres;
“mineral deposit” means a quantity of mineral substance having known physical limits;
“mineral deposit evaluation” means all work, other than work performed pursuant to a decision to bring an orebody into production, the object of which is the technical and economic evaluation of a mineral deposit for the purpose of identifying an orebody situated in Québec, if the work consists in(1) surface exploration work performed to ascertain more precisely the technical and economic parameters of a mineral deposit;
(2) the excavation of ramps, adits, shafts, drifts, raises and other related works necessary to the underground reserve evaluation of a mineral deposit;
(3) the underground or surface extraction of a bulk sample and testing in a mill or laboratory to verify drilling results and to determine the optimal conditions for extraction and processing;
(4) determination of mining extraction and metallurgical technologies;
(5) technical and economic studies necessary to a decision whether or not to bring an orebody into production;
(6) any other work essential to the identification of the orebody;
“mineral substance” means any natural mineral substance, whether solid, gaseous or liquid, except water, and includes a fossilized organic substance or mine tailings;
“mining operation” means all work related to the various phases in the mineral development process, namely exploration, mineral deposit evaluation, mine development, the reclamation or rehabilitation of land situated in Québec, the extraction, processing, transportation, handling, storage and marketing of a mineral substance extracted from Québec soil up to the time of its alienation or use by the operator, and the processing of mine tailings from Québec, but does not include work(1) performed for others;
(2) relating to the extraction of a mineral substance the well head value of which is subject to the royalty referred to in section 204 of the Mining Act (chapter M-13.1);
(3) carried out after 17 October 1990 in respect of surface mineral substances as defined in section 1 of the Mining Act, or of mineral substances the rights in or over which have been surrendered to the owner of the soil under section 5 of that Act;
“mining reclamation trust” means a mining reclamation trust, within the meaning assigned by section 21.39 of the Taxation Act (chapter I-3), that is resident in Québec for the purposes of Part I of that Act;
“Minister” means the Minister of Natural Resources;
“northern mine” means a mine situated north of the fifty-fifth parallel of north latitude;
“operator” means a person or partnership, other than a joint venture, that performs mining operation work, either alone or with others, or through a mandatary, on land situated in Québec or in a mine he owns, leases or occupies;
“ore” means a mineral substance that may be extracted for the purpose of obtaining a commercial product;
“orebody” means a volume of ore having known physical limits;
“processing” means any activity involving the concentration, smelting or refining of a mineral substance and includes any activity involving pelletization, the production of powder or the production of steel billets, or any other activity prescribed by regulation;
“processing asset” means property to which section 10 applies, situated in Québec, that is(1) a processing plant;
(2) equipment used entirely or almost entirely for processing;
(3) property used mainly to supply water or energy to a processing plant;
(4) property for the stockpiling of a mineral substance and property for the ensuing handling thereof, used for the direct supply of, and immediately adjacent to, a processing plant;
(5) property used entirely or almost entirely for the handling or transportation of a mineral substance within a processing plant; or
(6) property used entirely or almost entirely for the handling or transportation of mine tailings emanating directly from a processing plant, to a mine tailings site or mine tailings heap;but does not include
(7) property used during an activity preliminary to primary crushing;
(8) property used for the primary crushing of a mineral substance;
(9) subject to paragraphs 4, 5 and 6, property used for the transportation, handling, storage or marketing of a mineral substance;
(10) property used for the transportation of solid, liquid or gas fuel;
(11) subject to paragraph 6, property used in the operation of a mine tailings site or mine tailings heap, from the first deposit of tailings in an area laid out for that purpose; or
(12) subject to paragraph 3, service property;
“processing plant” means the whole or part of a building in which the processing of a mineral substance is carried out and which is used solely for that purpose;
“processing product” means a product, by-product or derivative obtained as a result of the processing of a mineral substance;
“refining” means any processing of a product from a smelting or concentration operation to remove impurities, which produces very high grade metal;
“service property” means property, other than a railroad not situated at the mine, acquired for the purpose of realizing or producing income from a mine and of providing services to the mine or to a townsite in which a large proportion of persons who ordinarily work in the mine reside, if the property is(1) an airport, dam, basin, fire station, natural gas pipeline, energy transmission line, wastewater treatment plant, sewer, street lighting network, water main, water pumping station, water supply network, wharf, or similar property;
(2) a road, sidewalk, runway, parking lot, storage area, or similar surface construction;
(3) a machine or material accessory to property referred to in paragraph 1 or 2;
“smelting” means any processing of an ore or concentrate wherein the charge is melted and chemically converted to produce a slag and a matte or metal containing impurities.