M-13.1 - Mining Act

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288. No person may designate on a map an exclusive exploration right or apply for a lease to mine surface mineral substances on all or part of a parcel of land that was subject to a mining lease, mining concession or lease to mine surface mineral substances that was revoked before 9:00 a.m. on the 31st day after the revocation of such a right became enforceable.
However, the holder of the revoked mining right shall not designate on a map an exclusive exploration right or apply for a lease to mine surface mineral substances on all or part of the parcel of land that was subject to the revoked mining right before an additional 30-day period.
If the interested person discontinues his contestation of the decision revoking his right, the prescribed time runs from the date of filing of a notice of discontinuance in the office of the Court of Québec.
1987, c. 64, s. 288; 1988, c. 21, s. 66; 1998, c. 24, s. 122; 2013, c. 32, s. 102; 2020, c. 12, s. 144; 2024, c. 36, s. 115.
288. Within 30 days after the date the revocation of a mining lease, mining concession or lease to mine surface mineral substances becomes enforceable, a person other than the holder of the revoked mining right may obtain, in accordance with this Act, a claim by map designation notice or a lease to mine surface mineral substances on all or part of the parcel of land that was subject to the revoked mining right.
Thereafter, a person whose mining right has been revoked may also obtain, in accordance with this Act, a right referred to in the first paragraph in relation to all or part of the parcel of land subject to the revoked mining right.
If the interested person discontinues his contestation of the decision revoking his right, the prescribed time runs from the date of filing of a notice of discontinuance in the office of the Court of Québec.
1987, c. 64, s. 288; 1988, c. 21, s. 66; 1998, c. 24, s. 122; 2013, c. 32, s. 102; 2020, c. 12, s. 144.
288. Within 30 days after the date the revocation of a mining lease, mining concession or lease to mine surface mineral substances becomes enforceable, a person other than the holder of the revoked mining right may obtain, in accordance with this Act, a claim by map designation notice or a lease to mine surface mineral substances on all or part of the parcel of land that was subject to the revoked mining right.
Thereafter, a person whose mining right has been revoked may also obtain, in accordance with this Act, a right referred to in the first paragraph in relation to all or part of the parcel of land subject to the revoked mining right.
If the interested person discontinues his appeal from the decision revoking his right, the prescribed time runs from the date of filing of a notice of discontinuance in the office of the Court of Québec.
1987, c. 64, s. 288; 1988, c. 21, s. 66; 1998, c. 24, s. 122; 2013, c. 32, s. 102.
288. Every person except the holder of a revoked mining right, may, within 30 days of the date on which the revocation of a mining exploration licence, mining lease, mining concession or mining right relating to the seabed or surface mineral substances has become executory, obtain, in accordance with this Act, a claim by notice of map designation, a lease to mine surface mineral substances or a mining right relating to the seabed in respect of all or part of the land that was subject to the revoked mining right.
Thereafter, a person whose mining right has been revoked may also obtain, in accordance with this Act, a right referred to in the first paragraph in relation to all or part of the parcel of land subject to the revoked mining right.
If the interested person discontinues his appeal from the decision revoking his right, the prescribed time runs from the date of filing of a notice of discontinuance in the office of the Court of Québec.
1987, c. 64, s. 288; 1988, c. 21, s. 66; 1998, c. 24, s. 122.
288. Every person except the holder of a revoked mining right, may, within thirty days of the date on which the revocation of a mining exploration licence, mining lease, mining concession or mining right relating to the seabed or surface mineral substances has become executory, obtain, in accordance with this Act, a claim by notice of map designation, a mining exploration licence or a mining right relating to the seabed or surface mineral substances in respect of all or part of the land that was subject to the revoked mining right.
Thereafter, claims may be obtained by staking or map designation according to the territory in which the land is situated.
If the interested person discontinues his appeal from the decision revoking his right, the prescribed time runs from the date of filing of a notice of discontinuance in the office of the Court of Québec.
1987, c. 64, s. 288; 1988, c. 21, s. 66.