14. The local service quality and complaints commissioner must, in the summary of the commissioner’s activities, include a section dealing specifically with complaints and reports the commissioner has received concerning cases of maltreatment of seniors and of persons in vulnerable situations, without compromising the confidentiality of maltreatment records, including the identity of the persons concerned by a complaint or report of maltreatment.
The annual summary of the local commissioner’s activities must set out, among other elements,(1) the number of complaints and reports concerning cases of maltreatment under examination or being processed at the beginning and at the end of the fiscal year as well as the number of complaints and reports received concerning such cases during the fiscal year, by living environment and by type of maltreatment;
(2) the number of interventions on the commissioner’s own initiative concerning cases of maltreatment being carried out at the beginning and at the end of the fiscal year as well as the number of interventions carried out on the commissioner’s own initiative concerning such cases during the fiscal year, by living environment and by type of maltreatment;
(3) the number of complaints and reports concerning cases of maltreatment received, examined or processed, dismissed on summary examination, refused or abandoned, by type of maltreatment;
(4) the nature of the main recommendations concerning cases of maltreatment made by the local commissioner to the board of directors of the institution concerned and to the department or service manager concerned within such an institution as well as, if applicable, to the highest authority of the resource, body or partnership or the person holding the position of highest authority responsible for the services that are the subject of complaints or reports concerning cases of maltreatment, by type of maltreatment; and
(5) any other element determined by the Minister of Health and Social Services.
In the case of a local commissioner of an integrated health and social services centre, the information included in the summary of the commissioner’s activities must be presented in such a manner that the information concerning the integrated centre may be distinguished from that concerning the private institution facilities located in the integrated centre’s territory.
2017, c. 102017, c. 10, s. 14; 2020, c. 242020, c. 24, s. 711; 2022, c. 62022, c. 6, s. 1012.