1. The object of this Act is to establish a framework for the governance and management of information resources applicable to public bodies and government enterprises that focuses specifically on(1) offering individuals and enterprises simplified, integrated and quality services based on information technologies, including digital technologies, while ensuring the preservation of government digital heritage;
(2) optimizing the management of information resources and public services by encouraging pooling, among other things, of know-how, information, systems, infrastructures and resources;
(3) ensuring proper protection of the information resources of public bodies used to support the delivery of the State’s public services or the carrying out of its missions;
(4) establishing optimal governance and management of digital government data to simplify access to public services by individuals and enterprises, better support government action, increase the performance and resilience of the public administration and enhance the quality and protection of such data;
(5) coordinating public bodies’ digital transformation initiatives to offer fully digital public services;
(6) ensuring rigorous and transparent management of the amounts allocated to information resources;
(7) promoting the use of best practices in the governance and management of information resources and the development of government expertise in information technologies, including digital technologies; and
(8) fostering the implementation of guidelines and strategies common to all public bodies.