100.The Minister of Child and Family Welfare is responsible for the application of this Act.
1979, c. 85, s. 100; 1985, c. 23, s. 24; 1997, c. 58, s. 133.
The Minister of Families, Seniors and the Status of Women exercises the functions of the Minister of Child and Family Welfare provided for in this Act. Order in Council 742-2005 dated 17 August 2005, (2005) 137 G.O. 2 (French), 5056.
100.The Minister of Health and Social Services is responsible for the application of this Act.
1979, c. 85, s. 100; 1985, c. 23, s. 24.
The Minister of Education exercises the functions of the Minister of Health and Social Services with respect to the application of this Act. O.C. 1487-96 of 96.12.04, (1996) 128 G.O. 2 (French), 7305.