S-2.1, r. 9 - Regulation respecting concrete pumps and distribution masts

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Updated to 1 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter S-2.1, r. 9
Regulation respecting concrete pumps and distribution masts
Act respecting occupational health and safety
(chapter S-2.1, ss. 63 and 223).
1. The purpose of this Regulation is to establish safety standards for the manufacture and use of concrete pumps and distribution masts, including concrete delivery pipelines and the accessories required for their use.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 1.
2. In this Regulation,
“concrete pump” means a machine used to move concrete to a placing area by means of rigid pipes or flexible hoses; (pompe à béton)
“delivery pipes” means the system of rigid pipes and flexible hoses connected to a concrete pump and used to move concrete; (tuyaux de transport)
“distribution mast” means a motorized articulated unit consisting of one or several extendable parts and capable of supporting and guiding concrete delivery pipes; (mât de distribution)
“flexible hoses” means conduits connected to the rigid pipes and tip of a distribution mast or pumping line and used for placing concrete; (tuyaux souples)
“maximum working pressure” means the maximum presssure in bars exerted on the concrete as it leaves the concrete pump cylinder; (pression maximale de travail)
“outriggers” means fixed or extendable metal beams which are attached to the chassis of a pump-truck, rest on disks and are used to level the pump-truck and ensure its stability during use; (stabilisateurs)
“pump-truck” means a unit comprised of a concrete pump, a distribution mast, delivery pipes and the truck on which they are mounted; (camion-pompe)
“rigid pipes” means sections made of non-flexible material and affixed to the distribution mast, held up by supports, and through which concrete flows; (tuyaux rigides)
“work area” means the surface comprising the place where the concrete is to be poured using the distribution mast and the surface covered by the distribution mast as it rotates on the pivot cab axis to pour the concrete. (aire de travail)
O.C. 1520-92, s. 2.
3. No person may manufacture, supply, sell, lease, distribute or install a concrete pump, a distribution mast, concrete delivery pipes or the accessories required for their use unless they meet the requirements of sections 4 to 30.
All the equipment provided for in the first paragraph and manufactured as of 1 January 2015 must comply with the provisions related to design, manufacturing, installation and marking provided for in CAN/CSA Standard Z151, Concrete pumps and placing booms, in force in the year of manufacturing.
In case of conflict between the requirements provided for in sections 4 to 30 and the requirements of the CSA Standard referred to in the second paragraph, the most stringent requirements apply.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 3; O.C. 605-2014, s. 1.
4. A concrete pump shall bear an identification plate specifying
(1)  the manufacturer’s or supplier’s name;
(2)  the year of manufacture;
(3)  the serial number;
(4)  the model;
(5)  the concrete pump’s maximum working pressure in bars; and
(6)  the maximum concrete pumping rate in cubic metres per hour (m3/h).
O.C. 1520-92, s. 4.
5. A distribution mast shall bear an identification plate specifying
(1)  the manufacturer’s or supplier’s name;
(2)  the year of manufacture;
(3)  the serial number;
(4)  the model;
(5)  the maximum pressure permissible in the hydraulic system;
(6)  the length of each section of the distribution mast in metres; and
(7)  the maximum internal diameter of the delivery pipes in millimetres and the maximum length of the flexible end hose in metres.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 5.
6. The information appearing on the identification plates shall be clearly legible at all times.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 6.
7. Lost, destroyed or unusable identification plates shall be immediately replaced.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 7.
8. The following information shall be permanently displayed on each rigid pipe and shall be clearly legible at all times:
(1)  the manufacturer’s name;
(2)  the nominal diameter;
(3)  the permissible maximum pressure; and
(4)  the thickness.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 8.
9. The following information shall be permanently displayed on each flexible hose and shall be legible at all times:
(1)  the maximum internal diameter; and
(2)  the maximum length.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 9.
10. Concrete pumps and distribution masts shall be equipped with excess pressure safety devices such as safety valves. The safety devices shall be constructed in such a way that they cannot be disturbed.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 10.
11. Concrete pumps, distribution masts and any spare parts which must be handled by lifting devices shall be equipped with more than one eyebolt or shackle bolt type hitch point.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 11.
12. A pump-truck’s platforms and walkways located more than 0.65 m from the ground shall be accessible by means of a solid, anti-skid running board and shall be equipped with handles allowing for not less than 3 support points when ascending or descending.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 12.
13. Platforms and walkways on a pump-truck manufactured on or after 1 January 1981 and located more than 1.2 m from the ground shall be surrounded by a guard-rail between 1 and 1.2 m high.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 13.
14. A guard-rail shall
(1)  be comprised of an upper rail and a mid-rail placed at mid-height and solidly fixed to the inside of the posts;
(2)  be made of metal;
(3)  withstand a concentrated horizontal force of 900 N applied to any point of the upper rail; and
(4)  withstand a concentrated vertical force of 450 N applied to any point of the upper rail.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 14.
15. The manufacturer’s manual shall be given to each subsequent owner at the time of the transfer of ownership of a pump-truck.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 15.
16. The instructions which appear in Schedule I shall be permanently posted near the fixed control station of a pump-truck.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 16.
16.1. The content of every safety or warning instruction label affixed to all equipment referred to in section 3 must comply with the Safety Code for the construction industry (chapter S-2.1, r. 4) and this Regulation.
O.C. 605-2014, s. 2.
17. The control devices shall
(1)  be designed and manufactured in such manner that they cannot be accidentally switched on;
(2)  be laid out and identified in such a way as to prevent any error with regard to their functioning; and
(3)  be protected when they are in the OFF position by a device that prevents unauthorized use.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 17.
18. Inlet and outlet valves as well as valve entry points shall be closed in such a way that no person’s hand can be introduced into them.
Entry points shall be bolted or locked.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 18.
19. The receiving hopper of a concrete pump equipped with an agitator shall be closed off by a grille.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 19.
20. The grille shall conform to the following specifications:
(1)  it must be permanently bolted or equipped with a device that is designed and constructed to stop the pump and the concrete mixer as soon as it is opened;
(2)  it must be designed to safely support a person weighing not less than 100 kg;
(3)  the distance between the bars of the grille must not exceed 70 mm if they are parallel to one another, or 80 mm if they are arranged in a lattice design; and
(4)  the distance separating the grille from the point of contact with the hopper agitator shall not be less than 75 mm.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 20; O.C. 605-2014, s. 3.
21. Concrete pumps activated by the motor of a pump-truck manufactured on or after 1 January 1978 shall be installed in such a way that the motor cannot be started from the fixed control station of the pump-truck unless a device allows the motor to be started only when the transmission is in neutral.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 21.
22. The control levers of a distribution mast shall return automatically to the neutral position.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 22.
23. A distribution mast shall be equipped with a locking device to prevent any movement during its transportation.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 23.
24. A distribution mast shall bear a sign indicating that it may not be used to lift loads.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 24.
25. Hydraulic cylinders in masts manufactured on or after 1 January 1978 and in outriggers manufactured on or after 1 January 1992 shall be equipped with release check valves which:
(1)  prevent an accidental drop in pressure in the cylinder if the hydraulic line is ruptured;
(2)  are installed on the hydraulic cylinder wall; and
(3)  have no connection between the part of the hydraulic cylinder under pressure and the check valve.
It is not necessary to equip hydraulic cylinders with check valves if they are used only to adjust an outrigger.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 25.
26. Outriggers shall be manufactured in such a way that the applied force is conveyed to the ground.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 26.
27. Outriggers shall be equipped with a device allowing them to remain in the closed position during transportation and in the open position while they are being used.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 27.
28. Every extendable part of an outrigger shall bear a mark to indicate that it is completely extended, if such is the case.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 28.
29. New rigid pipes and new couplings shall withstand pressure at least two times greater than the maximum working pressure.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 29.
30. Flexible hoses shall withstand pressure at least 1.75 times greater than the maximum working pressure.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 30.
31. The owner of a pump-truck who supplies, leases or uses a pump-truck shall insure that the pump-truck is inspected and maintained so that it can be used in a safe manner.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 31.
32. A pump-truck shall be used solely for the purposes for which it has been designed.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 32.
33. An employer shall ensure that the responsibility for and maintenance of a concrete pump or a distribution mast are entrusted only to persons who
(1)  are over 18 years of age;
(2)  have received the proper training required for those purposes; and
(3)  hold the competency certificates required where the work is subject to the Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and workforce management in the construction industry (chapter R-20).
O.C. 1520-92, s. 33.
34. Before using a pump-truck, an employer shall
(1)  ensure that the work space is sufficient for completely extending the outriggers of the pump-truck;
(2)  where the space mentioned in subparagraph 1 is insufficient, send to the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail a work plan signed and sealed by an engineer or limit the extension of the distribution mast according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the pump-truck using a range limiter from a recognized manufacturer;
(3)  ensure that there is a traffic lane which is sufficiently wide, solid and free of obstruction to allow for safe access to the pump-truck’s hopper by at least one mixer truck.
Subject to subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph, the employer shall ensure that the outriggers are completely extended.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 34; O.C. 605-2014, s. 4.
35. An employer shall ensure that the outriggers are inspected during operations.
Bearing plates whose dimensions correspond to the bearing capacity of the ground shall be placed under the outriggers in order to distribute the load evenly over the ground.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 35.
36. An employer shall ensure that no pump-truck or other vehicle travels or is parked less than 3 m from the top of a trench or excavation wall, unless a support stanchion has been installed for that purpose.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 36.
37. Work done with a pump-truck or other vehicle close to overhead high tension electric cables, within the limits prescribed by section 5.2.1 of the Safety Code for the construction industry (chapter S-2.1, r. 4), shall be carried out in accordance with Division V of the Code.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 37.
38. An employer shall ensure that
(1)  no person stands under a distribution mast connected to a concrete pump; and
(2)  no person is in the work area of a distribution mast, other than the workers placing the concrete.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 38.
39. The operator of a distribution mast shall be guided by a signaller where the operator cannot see the tip of the flexible end hose during a manoeuvre. More than one signaller shall be present where the first signaller’s view is obstructed.
The signaller shall
(1)  observe the movement of the tip of the distribution mast where it is out of the operator’s view; and
(2)  communicate instructions to the operator for moving the distribution mast, using a pre-established conventional code of signals or a telecommunications system.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 39.
40. A distribution mast shall not be used to lift loads.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 40.
41. A pump-truck shall not be moved if the distribution mast is partially or fully extended, unless the pump-truck has been designed for that purpose.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 41.
42. An employer shall ensure that the ignition of a pump-truck is switched off and that the distribution mast is returned to its stowed position in the following circumstances:
(1)  at the end of a work period;
(2)  during a storm; and
(3)  when winds are greater than 75 km/h.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 42.
43. Neither a distribution mast nor a flexible end hose shall be extended beyond the length for which it was designed by the manufacturer.
Where the tip of a flexible end hose is connected to another series of pipes, it shall not cause an overload on the distribution mast.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 43.
44. Delivery pipes which are not supported by a distribution mast shall be solidly anchored and the stress to which they may be subjected shall be conveyed to the builing, the ground or other parts of the construction strong enough to withstand the stress.
The pipes shall be situated and arranged in such a way that sharp bends and damage during operations are avoided.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 44.
45. An employer shall ensure that the flexible hose is connected to the rigid pipe with a safety ring designed for that purpose and that the flexible hose is linked by an additional safety fastening connected to each pipe, such as a chain.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 45.
46. Where the pipes are cleaned with compressed air, the flexible end hose shall be removed and replaced with a trap basket or other similar device.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 46.
47. Where a defect or breakdown in a pump-truck causes its use to become dangerous, the employer shall stop using the pump-truck until the defect or breakdown has been corrected.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 47.
48. Before releasing a pipe coupling, an employer shall ensure that the concrete pumping system has been depressurized.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 48.
§ 1.  — Definitions
49. In this Division,
“certified organization” means an organization certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau in accordance with the specifications of CSA Standard W178.1, Certification of Welding Inspection Organizations; (organisme certifié)
”competent person” means a technician or mechanic who has not less than 5 years experience in the use and repair of distribution masts, delivery pipes and concrete pumps or an engineer who is an active member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec; (personne compétente)
”essential repair” means the repair or replacement of a supporting member requiring welding work; (réparation essentielle)
”non-destructive test” means a radiography, ultrasonic, magnetic particle or liquid penetrant test carried out and interpreted by an equipment operator for non-destructive testing certified level 2 by the Natural Resources Canada National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body under the standard CAN/CGSB-48.9712 Non-Destructive Testing - Qualification and Certification of Personnel; (examen non destructif)
“supporting member” means a part which bears or supports the loads inherent to the use of a pump-truck. (pièce portante)
O.C. 1520-92, s. 49; O.C. 605-2014, s. 5.
§ 2.  — General
50. A pump-truck shall be tested, inspected and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the specifications of this Division.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 50.
§ 3.  — Pump-truck log
51. The owner of a pump-truck who supplies, leases or uses the pump-truck shall keep a complete log of pump-truck operations and shall ensure that it is filled out and updated.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 51.
52. The log contain the following information:
(1)  the number of hours of use per day and the cumulative number of hours of use;
(2)  the type of regular and preventive maintenance work;
(3)  the content of the general tests described in sections 55 and 56;
(4)  the results of the non-destructive tests provided for in section 57; and
(5)  the type of repairs, the name of the person who did the repairs and the date the work was carried out.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 52.
53. The log shall be kept at all times in the pump-truck and shall be given to each subsequent owner at the time of the transfer of ownership.
Information recorded in the log with regard to general tests carried out prior to the last general test may be kept in the establishment, but must be available upon request.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 53.
§ 4.  — Inspection
54. A pump-truck shall be inspected before each work period in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manual, so that any visible defects may be detected.
Where a defect is discovered, it shall be immediately corrected.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 54.
§ 5.  — Testing
55. The owner of a pump-truck who supplies, leases or uses the pump-truck shall have a competent person carry out a general test on the pump-truck not less than once each year or after every 1,500 hours of use, whichever comes first.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 55.
56. A general test is comprised of a visual examination and performance checks of all the integral parts of the pump-truck mentioned in Schedule II.
The test shall include
(1)  evaluating the wear of each supporting member of the pump-truck through corrosion, deformation, cracking or any other type of deterioration;
(2)  checking the safety devices such as the cut-out switches, the hopper grille and the guard-rail;
(3)  recommendations made by the competent person following the evaluation of each of the supporting members and testing of the safety devices; and
(4)  re-testing the pump-truck following repairs, where applicable.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 56.
57. The owner of a pump-truck who supplies, leases or uses a pump-truck shall ensure that, in the following circumstances, the supporting members of the pump-truck undergo a non-destructive test carried out by a certified organization:
(1)  after the first 6,000 hours of use of a pump-truck following its manufacture or after the first 5 years of service, whichever comes first, and, thereafter, not less than once every 4,500 hours of use or once every 3 years, whichever comes first;
(2)  before a used pump-truck is put into service in Québec; and
(3)  after an abnormal stress or an incident necessitating an essential repair.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 57; O.C. 605-2014, s. 6.
58. The owner of a pump-truck who supplies, leases or uses the pump-truck shall send to the Commission a report of all non-destructive tests carried out on the supporting members of the pump-truck.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 58.
59. The report shall contain the following information:
(1)  an identification of the supporting members and parts tested, including the serial number and the manufacturer’s name;
(2)  a detailed description of the test which was carried out and the testing method used to ensure the strength of the supporting members of the pump-truck;
(3)  a description of the repairs carried out, where applicable;
(4)  the name of the person who carried out the repairs; and
(5)  a statement signed and sealed by an engineer certifying that the fittings or equipment are in conformity with the regulations.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 59.
60. A copy of the most recent report prescribed by section 58 shall be kept at all times in the pump-truck.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 60.
§ 6.  — Repairs and maintenance
61. A pump-truck shall not be modified unless an engineer signs and seals an attestation to the effect that the pump-truck, once modified, offers the same level of safety as when it was new.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 61.
62. The repair, replacement or adjustment of safety devices such as cut-out switches and the hopper grille shall be carried out by a competent person or a person supervised by a competent person.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 62.
63. A safety device removed during maintenance work shall be put back into place before the equipment is re-started.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 63.
64. An essential repair involving welding shall be made by a person holding a valid certificate issued by the Canadian Welding Bureau in accordance with CSA Standard W47.1, Certification of companies for fusion welding of steel.
O.C. 1520-92, s. 64; O.C. 605-2014, s. 7.
65. (Omitted).
O.C. 1520-92, s. 65.
In accordance with section 16, a sign shall be posted close to the fixed control station of a pump-truck to display the following instructions in a permanent and clearly legible manner:
(1) Respect the following minimum approach distances from electrical transmission cables:

Tension (volts) Distance (minimum)

Less than 125,000 3 metres
125,000 to 250,000 5 metres
250,000 to 550,000 8 metres
More than 550,000 12 metres
(2) Maintain a safe distance from excavations and trenches (§ 3 m).
(3) Extend outriggers fully when using distribution mast.
(4) Anchor delivery pipes solidly.
(5) Have a signaller assist you if view is obstructed.
(6) Before opening piping or in the case of blockage, depressurize system by reversing pumping direction.
(7) When cleaning with compressed air, remove flexible end hose and replace with a trap basket.
(8) Shut motor off and return mast to stowed position at end of a work period, during a storm or when winds are greater than 75 km/h.
(9) Use and follow manufacturer’s manual.
(10) Do not allow any person to stand under the distribution mast.
(11) Do not use distribution mast for lifting loads.
(12) Do not move pump-truck when mast is extended.
(13) Do not lengthen distribution mast or flexible end hoses.
(14) Do not modify or remove safety devices.
O.C. 1520-92, Sch. I.
Name of owner:
Resource person:
Concrete pump manufacturer:
Serial number:
Maximum working pressure of pump (in bars):
Maximum pumping rate of concrete (m3/h):
Year of manufacture:
Distribution mast manufacturer:
Serial number:
Maximum range of mast (in metres):
Maximum diameter of concrete delivery pipes (mm):
Maximum length and diameter of flexible end hose (mm):
Year of manufacture:
Truck manufacturer:
Serial number:
Licence plate number:
Maximum capacity of outriggers (kN):
Year of manufacture:
Name of competent person:
Social Insurance Number:
Trade or profession:
Years of experience:
Report number:
Test date:
Reason for test (annual, accident, putting into service, essential modifications):

| |
| Present |
| | |
Item | Yes | No |
| | |
Instruction panel (s. 16) _____________________________________________|_____|____|
Warning sign - electrical cables (Safety Code for the | | |
construction industry, (s. 5.3.1)) ____________________________________|_____|____|
Sign prohibiting the lifting of loads (s. 24) _________________________|_____|____|
Concrete pump identification plate (s. 4) _____________________________|_____|____|
Distribution mast identification plate (s. 5) _________________________|_____|____|
Outrigger marking (s. 28) _____________________________________________|_____|____|
Delivery pipes identification plate (ss. 8 and 9) _____________________|_____|____|
Manufacturer’s manual (s. 15) _________________________________________|_____|____|
Pump-truck log (s. 51) ________________________________________________|_____|____|

| | | | |
| | (1) | | |
|Inspected | Test |Repaired |Replaced |
| | | | |
GENERAL | | | | |
| | | | |
Starting of motors (s. 21): _____________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Control devices: ________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Hopper grille (conformity | | | | |
and safety mechanism): __________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Mast locking mechanism (s. 23): _________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Protection of valve entry points: _______|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Safety valves: __________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Control panel: __________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Running board: __________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Guard-rail and walkway: _________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Lubrication of ball bearings | | | | |
and bolt pins: __________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
| | | | |
| | | | |
Joints and welding | | | | |
(cracked, worn or deformed): ____________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Hydraulic cylinders: ____________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Disks: __________________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Bolt pins and clamps: ___________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Functioning: ____________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
| | | | |
| | | | |
Joints and welding (cracked, | | | | |
worn or deformed): ______________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Hydraulic cylinders: ____________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Disks: __________________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Bolt pins and clamps: ___________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Functioning: ____________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
| | | | |
PIVOT CAB | | | | |
| | | | |
Joints and welding | | | | |
(cracked, worn or deformed): ____________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Upper ball bearing | | | | |
(maximum allowance (3 mm): ______________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Lubrication recommended | | | | |
by manufacturer: ________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Anchor bolts (replacement | | | | |
every 3 years): _________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
| | | | |
MAIN COLUMN | | | | |
| | | | |
Joints and welding | | | | |
(cracked, worn or deformed): ____________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Ovalization of coupling | | | | |
eyelet (maximum 1%): ____________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Bolt pin and clamp: _____________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
| | | | |
PEDESTAL | | | | |
| | | | |
Joints and welding | | | | |
(cracked, worn or deformed): ____________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Tightening of bolts: ____________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
| | | | |
| | | | |
Joints and welding | | | | |
(cracked, worn or deformed): ____________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Ball bearing | | | | |
and articulation points: ________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Safety bolt pins: _______________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Boom hook and assembly: _________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Hydraulic cylinders: ____________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Mast bearing plates (if applicable): ____|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Extension limit of telescopic | | | | |
boom (if applicable): ___________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
| | | | |
| | | | |
Pipe supports: __________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Pipe hooks: _____________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Hitch points for handling: ______________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Pipe diameter: __________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
Safety fastening holding flexible | | | | |
hoses (s. 45): __________________________|__________|_________|_________|_________|
(1) Non-destructive test of member (other than visual).
O.C. 1520-92, Sch. II.
O.C. 1520-92, 1992 G.O. 2, 4682
O.C. 605-2014, 2014 G.O. 2, 1411
S.Q. 2015, c. 15, s. 237