F-3.1.1, r. 2.1 - Regulation respecting the classification of public servants

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter F-3.1.1, r. 2.1
Regulation respecting the classification of public servants
Public Service Act
(chapter F-3.1.1, s. 54.1).
T.B. 228302, c. I.
T.B. 228302, Div. I.
1. The object of this Regulation is to establish the classification standards of public servants in the public service.
T.B. 228302, s. 1.
T.B. 228302, Div. II.
2. This Regulation applies to all public servants appointed in accordance with the Public Service Act (chapter F-3.1.1), except administrators of state.
T.B. 228302, s. 2.
T.B. 228302, c. II.
T.B. 228302, Div. I.
3. The classification of a public servant is made to a class of positions and, where applicable, to the grade provided for in Schedule I to the Directive concernant la classification et l’évaluation des emplois de la fonction publique (C.T. 222924, 2020-09-29).
The classification of a public servant may also be made to a casual position provided for in Schedule 2 to the Directive concernant les emplois occasionnels de la fonction publique (C.T. 195279, 2000-09-13).
T.B. 228302, s. 3.
4. Despite section 3, the classification of a public servant may contain more than one class of positions in the case of
(1)  a public servant belonging to the category of workmen staff, provided that the different classes all belong to that category; or
(2)  a manager posted outside Québec, insofar as the other class of positions is under the responsibility of the category of professional staff or the category of management staff.
T.B. 228302, s. 4.
5. Despite section 3, the class of positions and the level of education assigned to a public servant in the category of teaching staff corresponds to the level of education acquired by the public servant on the date of appointment, in accordance with the Directive concernant la classification des professeurs de l’État (675) (C.T. 222924, 2020-09-29).
T.B. 228302, s. 5.
6. The classification of the public servant to a class of positions or a grade, where applicable, is associated with the applicable salary scale or wage rate, that is, those relating to the assigned class or grade.
T.B. 228302, s. 6.
T.B. 228302, Div. II.
7. A classification is assigned to a public servant when the person comes into office or changes position.
T.B. 228302, s. 7.
8. A public servant may be assigned a new classification
(1)  if, following a reevaluation of the primary and habitual duties and powers exercised by the public servant, those duties and powers correspond to another class of positions that is accessible to the public servant by reclassification; or
(2)  during the public servant’s period of employment stability.
This section does not apply to casual positions or management staff.
T.B. 228302, s. 8.
9. The assignment of classification must be recorded in a document. The document must specify, as provided for in Division I, the class of positions and, where applicable, the grade to which the position corresponds.
The document must also mention
(1)  the indication “candidate”, where the public servant was admitted in that capacity in accordance with section III of chapter III of the Directive concernant la classification et l’évaluation des emplois de la fonction publique (C.T. 222924, 2020-09-29);
(2)  the title of each class of positions, if they were assigned to the public servant under section 4; and
(3)  the job title of the public servant.
T.B. 228302, s. 9.
10. Where the public servant is the subject of a notice of integration issued by the deputy minister or the chief executive officer, the notice of integration replaces the document required in section 9.
T.B. 228302, s. 10.
T.B. 228302, Div. III.
11. This section does not apply to casual positions.
T.B. 228302, s. 11.
12. A public servant who does not pass the probationary period provided for with a promotion to certain classes of positions is assigned, when the deputy minister ends the probation period or where the public servant asks to be reintegrated into the former class of positions, the class of positions and, where applicable, the grade held before the probationary period.
T.B. 228302, s. 12.
13. A public servant who is appointed, in the capacity of candidate, to a class of positions or a grade under subdivisions III or IV of division III of chapter III of the Directive concernant la classification et l’évaluation des emplois de la fonction publique (C.T. 222924, 2020-09-29) and who does not provide the required documents within the specified time period, is assigned the class of positions held prior to admission in the capacity of candidate.
T.B. 228302, s. 13.
14. A public servant who is assigned, appointed or promoted to a management position outside Québec and ceases to hold that office, in accordance with the Directive concernant la classification et la gestion des emplois de cadres et de leurs titulaires (630) (C.T. 219127, 2018-04-10), is assigned, on the date of returning to Québec, the classification that the public servant would have been entitled to having remained in the class of positions to which the public servant belonged before being assigned, appointed or promoted a manager outside Québec.
T.B. 228302, s. 14.
T.B. 228302, c. III.
15. This Regulation replaces the Règlement sur le classement des fonctionnaires (chapter F-3.1.1, r. 2).
T.B. 228302, s. 15.
16. (Omitted).
T.B. 228302, s. 16.
T.B. 228302, 2023 G.O. 2, 831