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C-61.1, r. 123
- Regulation respecting the Rivière-Blanche Controlled Zone
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Replaced on 14 December 2022
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C-61.1, r. 123
Regulation respecting the Rivière-Blanche Controlled Zone
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, s. 104)
Replaced, M.O. 2022-1001, 2022 G.O. 2, 4139; eff. 2022-12-14; see
chapter C-61.1, r. 73.1
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule A and described in this section, constitutes the Rivière-Blanche Controlled Zone:
A territory situated in the townships of Larue, Nelson, Tonti and La Salle, in the county municipalities of Québec and Portneuf, covering an area of seven hundred twenty-nine square kilometres (729 km
), whose perimeter may be described as follows:
Beginning at a point at the intersection of the left bank of the Batiscan River and the dividing line of the townships of Larue and La Salle; thence southeasterly, along the said township dividing line to the northeastern boundary of Range X of the township of La Salle; thence southwesterly, along the southeastern boundary of Range X of the township of La Salle; thence southeasterly, along the northeastern limit of lot 54 of Range IX to the creek flowing through the said lot; thence in a general westerly direction, along the left bank of the said creek to its meeting point with the left bank of the Batiscan River at the level of lot 51; thence southeasterly, along the left bank of the Batiscan River to the northeastern end of lot 22 of the Batiscan River Range; thence southeasterly, along the northeastern boundary of lot 22, thence southwesterly, along the southeastern limit of the Batiscan River Range; thence southeasterly, along the northeastern boundary of lot 17 of the said range; thence northeasterly, southeasterly then southwesterly, following the boundary of Block A; southeasterly, along the northeastern boundary of lot 12; thence southwesterly, along the southeastern limit of the Batiscan River Range; thence southeasterly, along the northeastern boundary of lot A of Range V; thence southwesterly, along the southeastern boundary of lot A of Range V to the northern limit of the right-of-way of Miguick Road; thence in a general southeasterly direction, following the said right-of-way to its intersection with the dividing line of Range I and II of the township of Tonti; thence, azimuth 65º15′, five and six hundred and forty-six thousandths kilometres (5.646 km), to the effluent of Jumeau Lake number two (Lake Lorenzo); thence, azimuth 140º35′, two and three hundred and thirty-three thousandths kilometres (2.333 km); thence, azimuth 90º00′ two and nine hundred and seventy-seven thousandths kilometres (2.977 km), skirting À la Cabane Lake to the north; thence, azimuth 3º55′ three and six hundred and twenty thousandths kilometres (3.620 km) to the northern end of Cristal Lake; thence northerly, thirty-eight degrees two minutes east (N 38º02′ E), to the intersection with the southern limit of the right-of-way of the road leading to Insipide Lake skirting the lakes met there to the west; thence southeasterly, along the southern limit of the right-of-way of the said road to its meeting with the left bank of the effluent of the said lake; thence northerly, along the left bank of the effluent of the said lake, the eastern shore of the lake, the left bank of its tributary, the eastern and northern shores of Lake Gorren to its meeting with the left bank of its tributary; thence northeasterly, in a straight line to the limit of the Laurentides Wildlife Sanctuary, a point on the intersection of a line sixty and thirty-five hundredths metres (60.35 m) southwest of the left bank of a tributary of Lake Batiscan and another line sixty and thirty-five hundredths metres (60.35 m) south of the south shore of Lake Batiscan, a point whose approximate coordinates are: 5,246,300 m N and 283,670 m E; and skirting Lake Annette by the west shore; thence in a general northwesterly direction, along a parallel line situated sixty and thirty-five hundredths metres (60.35 m) northeast of the northeastern shore of Lake Batiscan, northeast of the northeastern bank of the Aux Éclairs River and east of the eastern bank of the À Moïse River, skirting Lake À Moïse by a parallel line situated sixty and thirty-five hundredths metres (60.35 m) east of its eastern shore to a point whose coordinates are: 5,264,550 m N and 281,200 m E; thence northwesterly, in a straight line to a point sixty and thirty-five hundredths metres (60.35 m) east of the eastern shore of the northeastern end of Lake Andrews; thence in a general westerly direction, in a parallel line situated sixty and thirty-five hundredths metres (60.35 m) north of the northern shore of Lake Andrews to a point whose coordinates are: 5,268,580 m N and 278,410 m E; thence northwesterly, in a straight line to a point sixty and thirty-five hundredths metres (60.35 m) north of the northern shore at the northern end of Lake Wilkin; thence in general southwestern and northwestern directions, in a parallel line situated sixty and thirty-five hundredths metres (60.35 m) north of the northern shore of Lake Wilkin, north of the northern bank of the effluent of Lake Wilkin, northwest of the northwestern shore of Lake Lefebvre, northwest of the northwestern bank of the effluent of Lake Lefebvre, east of the eastern shore of Des Passes Lake, northeast of the northeastern bank of the effluent of Lake Docteur-Brown, and east of the eastern shore of Lake Docteur-Brown, to the right bank of its tributary, a point whose approximate coordinates are: 5,269,830 m N and 721,900 m E; thence northerly, along the boundary of the Laurentides Wildlife Sanctuary, in a straight line to a point sixty and thirty-five hundredths metres (60.35 m) south of the southern bank of the effluent of Lake Sylvestre, a point whose approximate coordinates are: 5,272,350 m N and 721,900 m E; thence in general westerly and southwesterly direction, in a parallel line situated sixty and thirty-five hundredths metres (60.35 m) south of the southern bank of the effluent of Lake Sylvestre, east of the eastern shore of Lake Adée, east of the eastern bank of the effluent of Lake Adée, east of the eastern shore Lake Mackey-Smith, east of the left bank of its effluent, to its intersection with the left bank of the Batiscan River; thence in a general southwestern direction, from the left bank of the Batiscan River to the starting point.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 146, s. 1
O.C. 1160-82, s. 1
s. 1
Rivière-Blanche Controlled Zone
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 146, Sch. A
O.C. 1160-82, s. 2
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 146
O.C. 1160-82, 1982 G.O. 2, 1632; Suppl. 364
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