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C-61.01, r. 51
- Regulation respecting the Réserve écologique du Pin-Rigide
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Enabling statute
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
C-61.01, r. 51
Regulation respecting the Réserve écologique du Pin-Rigide
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43)
In this Regulation, the expression “ecological reserve” means all territory reserved by the Government under section 2 of the Natural Heritage Conservation Act (chapter C-61.01).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. R-26, r. 5, s. 1
The lands described hereunder are established as an ecological reserve under the name of Réserve écologique du Pin-Rigide, reference 002-06-1977.
A parcel of land situated in the municipality of Franklin, known and designated as part of the original lot 179 range VIII, in the cadastre of the parish of Saint-Antoine-Abbé, registration division of Châteauguay. This parcel of land of irregular shape is bounded and described as follows: on the west by another part of lot 179 belonging to Francis Lemarié, measuring one hundred and eleven and seven-tenths feet (111.7 ft.) and one thousand two hundred and thirty-two and five-tenths feet (1,232.5 ft.) along that boundary; on the north-east by the chemin Du Rocher belonging to the municipality of Franklin, measuring three thousand one hundred and seventy-six and two-tenths feet (3,176.2 ft.) along that boundary; on the south-east, by lots 176, 177 and 178 of range IX, measuring one thousand, one hundred and eighty five and two-tenths feet (1,185.2 ft.) along that boundary; and to the southwest by a part of lot 180 described below, measuring two thousand four hundred and thirty-seven and seven-tenths feet (2,437.7 ft.) along that boundary; containing three million two hundred and forty-six thousand nine hundred and sixty square feet (3,246,960 ft.
) or 88.23 arpents.
A gravel road sixty-six feet (66 ft.) wide has been made along the southeastern boundary of this part of lot 179 and posts and lines for public utilities have been installed along the northeastern boundary of the above part of lot 179.
A parcel of land, situated in the municipality of Franklin, known and designated as a part of the original lot 180 of range VIII in the cadastre of the parish of Saint-Antoine-Abbé, registration division of Châteauguay. This parcel of land, trapezoid in shape, is bounded and described as follows: on the west by another part of lot 180 belonging to Francis Lemarié, measuring one thousand and forty-six and four-tenths feet (1,046.4 ft.) along that boundary; on the northeast by a part of lot 179, described above, measuring two thousand four hundred and thirty-seven and seven-tenths feet (2,437.7 ft.) along that boundary; on the southeast by lots 174, 175 and 176 of range IX, measuring nine hundred and fifty-nine and two-tenths feet (959.2 ft.) along that boundary; and on the southwest by a part of lot 181 described below, measuring two thousand and nine feet (2,009 ft.) along that boundary; containing two million one hundred and thirty-two thousand five hundred and fourteen square feet. (2,132,514 ft.
), or 57.95 square arpents.
A gravel road sixty-six feet (66 ft.) wide has been made along the southeastern boundary of this part of lot 180 and posts and lines for public utilities have been installed thereon.
A parcel of land situated in the municipality of Franklin, known and designated as a part of the original lot 181, of range VIII, in the cadastre of the parish of Saint-Antoine-Abbé, registration division of Châteauguay. This parcel of land, of irregular shape, is bounded and described as follows: on the west by another part of lot 181 belonging to Francis Lemarié, measuring one thousand and forty-six and four-tenths feet (1,046.4 ft.) along that boundary; on the northeast by a part of lot 180 described above, measuring two thousand and nine feet (2,009 ft.) along that boundary; on the southeast by lots 172, 173 and 174 of range IX, measuring nine hundred and fifty-nine and two-tenths feet (959.2 ft.) along that boundary; and on the southwest by part of lot 182 belonging to Wald Demers et Al., measuring one thousand five hundred and eighty and three-tenths feet (1,580.3 ft.) along that boundary; containing one million seven hundred and twenty-one thousand three hundred and twenty-nine square feet (1,721,329 ft.
) or 46.77 square arpents.
A gravel road sixty-six feet (66 ft.) wide has been made along the southeastern boundary of this part of lot 181 and posts and lines for public utilities have been installed thereon.
The territory described above will be developed and protected in accordance with the Natural Heritage Conservation Act (chapter C-61.01). .
R.R.Q., 1981, c. R-26, r. 5, s. 2
R.R.Q., 1981, c. R-26, r. 5
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