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Court Decisions
C-61.01, r. 48.1
- Order in council concerning the establishment of the Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford and approval of its conservation plan
Table of contents
Enabling statute
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
Full text
Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
C-61.01, r. 48.1
Order in council concerning the establishment of the Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford and approval of its conservation plan
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43)
The permanent ecological reserve status is assigned to the land whose plan and technical description are attached to this Order in Council, under the name “Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford”.
O.C. 180-2013, s. 1
O.C. 180-2013, s. 2
Canton de Woburn
Paroisse de Saint-Augustin-de-Woburn
A territory situated on Mont Gosford and comprising, in reference to the original survey, part of lot 37 (part of lot 37 cad.) of Rang VI, part of lot 37 (part of lot 37 cad.) of Rang VII and two undivided parts (two parts of lot 74 cad.) of Canton de Woburn.
The perimeter of that territory may be described as follows:
Starting at the point of intersection of the dividing line between ranges 6 and 7 with the dividing line between lots 36 and 37; thence, westerly on a bearing of 270°23′48″, for a distance of 482.2 m to the northwest corner of the territory, being Point A.
Starting at Point A, thence, easterly on a bearing of 90°23′48″, for a distance of 722.2 m to Point B;
From that point, southeasterly, on a bearing of 117°13′59″, for a distance of 1,381.4 m to Point C;
From that point, southerly, on a bearing of 172°38′39″, for a distance of 523.4 m to Point D, situated on the north side of a path;
From that point, in a general westerly direction, along the north side of a path, along a sinuous line for a distance of 866 m to Point E;
From that point, westerly, on a bearing of 274°23′55″, for a distance of 13.0 m to Point F;
From that point, southerly, on a bearing of 194°02′10″, for a distance of 24.7 m to Point G;
From that point, southwesterly, on a bearing of 208°04′21″, for a distance of 17.0 m to Point H;
From that point, southerly, on a bearing of 192°05′41″, for a distance of 14.3 m to Point I;
From that point, in a general southwesterly direction, along the northwest side of a path to its intersection with another path, along a sinuous line for a distance of 179 m to Point J;
From that point, in a general southerly direction, along the west side of a path, along a sinuous line for a distance of 583 m to Point K;
From that point, in a general northwesterly direction, along the northeast side of a path to its intersection with the northwest limit of Ruisseau du Cap, along a sinuous line for a distance of 527 m to Point L;
From that point, in a general southwesterly direction, along the northwest side of Ruisseau du Cap to its intersection with the northwest side of a path, along a sinuous line for a distance of 893 m to Point M;
From that point, in a general southwesterly direction, along the northwest side of a path to its intersection with the north side of Ruisseau du Cap, along a sinuous line for a distance of 223 m to Point N;
From that point, in a general westerly direction along the north side of Ruisseau du Cap to its intersection with the northwest side of a path, along a sinuous line for a distance of 113 m to Point O;
From that point, westerly, on a bearing of 274°34′26″, for a distance of 75.3 m to Point P;
From that point, westerly, on a bearing of 252°50′17″, for a distance of 71.2 m to Point Q;
From that point, southwesterly, on a bearing of 238°14′26″, for a distance of 123.5 m to Point R;
From that point, southwesterly, on a bearing of 214°05′42″, for a distance of 78.5 m to Point S;
From that point, westerly, on a bearing of 252°00′19″, for a distance of 288.2 m to Point T;
From that point, northerly, on a bearing of 347°54′19″, for a distance of 572.9 m to Point U;
From that point, northeasterly, on a bearing of 65°54′06″, for a distance of 685.9 m to Point V;
From that point, northwesterly, on a bearing of 311°52′40″, for a distance of 545.4 m to Point W;
From that point, northeasterly, on a bearing of 48°15′20″, for a distance of 386.1 m to Point X;
From that point, southeasterly, on a bearing of 113°13′04″, for a distance of 390.7 m to Point Y;
From that point, northeasterly, on a bearing of 37°42′45″, for a distance of 340.1 m to Point Z;
From that point, northwesterly, on a bearing of 320°07′53″, for a distance of 466.6 m to Point AA;
From that point, northerly, on a bearing of 0°07′35″, for a distance of 453.1 m to Point A, that point being the starting point.
The approximate SCOPQ coordinates for the points on the perimeter described above are:
Point “A”
5 019 126 m N,
274 729 m E;
Point “B”
5 019 121 m N,
275 451 m E;
Point “C”
5 018 488 m N,
276 679 m E;
Point “D”
5 017 969 m N,
276 745 m E;
Point “E”
5 018 035 m N,
276 040 m E;
Point “F”
5 018 036 m N,
276 027 m E;
Point “G”
5 018 012 m N,
276 021 m E;
Point “H”
5 017 997 m N,
276 013 m E;
Point “I”
5 017 983 m N,
276 010 m E;
Point “J”
5 017 904 m N,
275 903 m E;
Point “K”
5 017 533 m N,
275 920 m E;
Point “L”
5 017 674 m N,
275 581 m E;
Point “M”
5 017 127 m N,
274 908 m E;
Point “N”
5 016 998 m N,
274 731 m E;
Point “O”
5 016 973 m N,
274 637 m E;
Point “P”
5 016 979 m N,
274 562 m E;
Point “Q”
5 016 958 m N,
274 494 m E;
Point “R”
5 016 893 m N,
274 388 m E;
Point “S”
5 016 828 m N,
274 344 m E;
Point “T”
5 016 739 m N,
274 070 m E;
Point “U”
5 017 300 m N,
273 951 m E
Point “V”
5 017 579 m N,
274 577 m E;
Point “W”
5 017 943 m N,
274 171 m E;
Point “X”
5 018 200 m N,
274 459 m E;
Point “Y”
5 018 046 m N,
274 818 m E;
Point “Z”
5 018 315 m N,
275 026 m E;
Point “AA”
5 018 673 m N,
274 728 m E.
TO BE WITHDRAWN from that territory two parcels of land.
A path of irregular shape having a width of 2 m, running across part of the territory of the ecological reserve in a sinuous line for a distance of 1,750 m,with the following approximate SCOPQ coordinates for certain points:
Point “BB”
5 018 855 m N,
275 967 m E;
Point “CC”
5 018 750 m N,
275 938 m E;
Point “DD”
5 018 683 m N,
275 886 m E;
Point “EE”
5 018 606 m N,
275 799 m E;
Point “FF”
5 018 508 m N,
275 808 m E;
Point “GG”
5 018 423 m N,
275 772 m E;
Point “HH”
5 018 317 m N,
275 696 m E;
Point “II”
5 018 202 m N,
275 675 m E;
Point “JJ”
5 018 101 m N,
275 813 m E;
Point “KK”
5 018 011 m N,
275 879 m E;
Point “J”
5 017 904 m N,
275 903 m E
A place situated along the path described above and measuring 10 m × 10 m, and whose apexes are identified by the following approximate SCOPQ coordinates:
Point “LL”
5 018 512 m N,
275 741 m E;
Point “MM”
5 018 510 m N,
275 731 m E;
Point “NN”
5 018 520 m N,
275 729 m E;
Point “OO”
5 018 522 m N,
275 739 m E.
The territory of the ecological reserve has a total area of 306.78 ha.
The whole as shown on the attached plan prepared by the undersigned on this date. The plan is an integral part of the present description.
All measures in this technical description and in the attached plan are in metres (S.I.). The directions are bearings in reference to the SCOPQ coordinates (zone 7) (MTM) NAD 83.
NOTE: A survey of the boundaries of the territory will improve the accuracy of the perimeter of the ecological reserve.
PREPARED AT LAMBTON, on the twentieth day of the month of April of the year two thousand and ten, under number five thousand four hundred and thirty-nine (5439) of my minutes.
Dossier/File: LM100407
Michel Perreault
Land surveyor
L c
Protected areas
in Québec:
A Lifelong Heritage
du Mont-Gosford
Québec mmmm
Production Team
Direction du patrimoine écologique et des parcs
Writing: Guy Paré, Gildo Lavoie
Revision: Réal Carpentier, Andrée Giroux
Cartography: Yves Lachance
Publishing: Yves Lachance
Photographic Credits:
Réal Carpentier, MDDEFP: photos 1 and 2
Christian Savard: photo 3
Bibliographical Reference:
Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère du Développement durable, de
l’Environnement, de la Faune et des Parcs, Direction du patrimoine écologique
et des parcs. Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford, Conservation Plan, 2013. 10 p.
1. OFFICIAL TOPONYM ......................................................................................4
2. PLAN AND DESCRIPTION..............................................................................4
2.1. GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION, BOUNDARIES AND DIMENSIONS ...............................4
2.2. ECOLOGICAL PORTRAIT..................................................................................6
2.2.1. Representative elements ...................................................................6
2.2.2. Outstanding elements........................................................................8
2.3. LAND OCCUPATION AND USES .........................................................................8
3. PROTECTION STATUS ...................................................................................8
4. ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE RESERVE ..............................................................9
5. MINISTER’S ROLE.........................................................................................10
6. BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................10
1. Official Toponym
Official name: Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford, in reference to Mont-Gosford,
where the reserve is located.
2. Plan and Description
2.1. Geographical location, boundaries and dimensions
The reserve is located in the municipality of Saint-Augustin-de-Woburn,
Municipalité régionale de comté (MRC) du Granit (Figure 1), and covers an area of
306.78 ha. It mainly covers the northern and western slopes of the Massif du mont
Gosford, from its peak at about 1,183 m down to an altitude of approximately 720 m
(Figure 2).
Figure 1. Location of Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford
Figure 2. Plan of the Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford
Relief and geology: Mont-Gosford is the highest peak in southern Québec and the
seventh highest in the province. Due to the relief, the soil is very shallow and composed of
till. The geology of the mountain and the surrounding area is unique in Estrie. The area
forms part of the Chain Lakes massif, a supracrustal block that long remained a puzzling
element in the orogenesis of the Appalachians. The massif is constituted mainly of metasediments
and some metavolcanic rock. During the Paleozoic Era, between approximately
685 and 483 million years ago, sediments were deposited in a fore-arc basin on the
western shore of the Iapetus Ocean. Around 470 million years ago, magma intrusions
related to the formation of the arc provoked the partial fusion of the sediments and their
transformation into diatexite. From a physiographic viewpoint, the Chain Lakes massif is an
extension of the White Mountains of New Hampshire and Maine.
Ecological frame of reference: The Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford constitutes a
representative sample of the upper portion of the peaks encircling the natural region of the
White Mountains, one of the five regions of the natural province of the northern
Appalachians (Ecological Reference Framework for Québec). This region extends across
the border into the United States.
2.2.1. Representative elements
The Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford contains representative and outstanding
elements of the territory in which it is located.
2.2. Ecological overview
Photo 1: Mountain-top detritus on the summit of Mont Gosford, formed by in-situ alteration of the rock.
Vegetation: The ecological reserve forms part of the sugar maple–yellow birch
bioclimatic domain (Ministère des Ressources naturelles (MRN)). However, due to its
high altitude, above 720 m, the vegetation is mainly coniferous and closely resembles that
of more northern bioclimatic domains. In fact, only the last stages of vegetation on Mont-
Gosford are represented in the ecological reserve. Balsam fir and wood sorrel grow on the
uppermost part of the mountain, above 950 m altitude, while balsam fir and red spruce
occupy the high and the steep slopes (50% incline or more). Although balsam fir–red
spruce stands are almost nonexistent in the Laurentians and Gaspésie, they are
characteristic at high altitudes in the Appalachian mountains south of the border. A little
lower, one can find balsam fir–white birch and white birch–balsam fir stands. These
different forest types are representative of the region’s high peaks.
Photo 2: Carpet of common woodsorrel.
2.2.2. Outstanding elements
The representative forest types associated with the Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford
also have outstanding features. Wood sorrel and red spruce stands are rare in Québec,
and white birch and white birch–balsam fir stands are rare in the region.
The ecological reserve constitutes one of the rare
recorded southern Québec nesting grounds for
certain birds characteristic of the boreal forest, such
as the spruce grouse, the gray jay, the fox sparrow
and the blackpoll warbler. Bicknell’s thrush, which
has been designated vulnerable in Québec and is
considered threatened in Canada, also nests in the
Photo 3. Bicknell’s thrush.
There are no recorded archaeological sites but the existence of such sites in the vicinity
indicates the potential for finding some in the reserve
2.3. Land occupation and uses
The land is publicly owned and is surrounded by the zone d’exploitation contrôlée
Louise-Gosford. The boundaries of the ZEC, a forest management contract and a trapline
have been changed to allow the creation of an ecological reserve. A two-metre-wide hiking
trail crosses but is not part of the reserve.
3. Protection Status
A master’s study carried out on Mont-Gosford in the mid1990s highlighted the relevance
of establishing an ecological reserve to protect softwood forests that are typical of the
higher Appalachian peaks and rare in Québec and in the region. The reserve is similar to
the nearby Réserve écologique Samuel-Brisson and characterized by the same forests.
However, given how rare and fragile those forests are and how small an area they cover,
establishing the Réserve écologique du Mont-Gosford for their protection is a
complementary measure. The Réserve écologique Samuel-Brisson is located in a different
natural province (Plateau d’Estrie–Beauce) and its geological nature—an intrusion that
forms part of the Montérégie hills—is completely different. The Réserve écologique du
Mont-Gosford is currently the only ecological reserve in the natural province of the White
The ecological reserve covers the peak and the northern face of the mountain. The contour
was adjusted to better cover the rare forests mapped by the MRN and recognized by the
department as outstanding forest ecosystems.
4. Framework for prohibited and permitted activities
The following activities are prohibited in an ecological reserve:
forest anagement within the meaning of section 3 of the Forest Act (chapter F-
Mining, and gas and petroleum development;
Mining, gas, or petroleum exploration, brine or underground reservoir
exploration, prospecting, digging or drilling;
Development of hydraulic resources and production of energy on a commercial or
industrial basis; and
Hunting, trapping, fishing, excavation or construction activities, agricultural,
industrial, or commercial activities and, generally, any activity that could alter the
state or the nature of the ecosystems.
No person may be in an ecological reserve, except for an inspection or to carry on an
activity authorized by law.
Under the Natural Heritage Conservation Act (chapter C61.01), the Minister of
Sustainable Development, Environment, Wildlife and Parks may authorize, in writing
and on the conditions the Minister determines, any activity consistent with the
purposes or the management of an ecological reserve.
5. Role of the Minister
The Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment, Wildlife and Parks is responsible for
the administration of the Natural Heritage Conservation Act, as well as the management of the
ecological reserve. The Minister sees to the monitoring and follow-up of the measures
provided for in that Act with respect to prohibited and permitted activities. Moreover,
the Minister holds authority over these lands, which form part of the domain of the State.
6. Bibliography
Gaudard, S. 2008. Esquisse géologique de la réserve écologique projetée du Mont
Gosford et du Mont Marbre. Partie 1: Mont Gosford. 17 p.
Li, T. et J.-P. Ducruc. 2000. Les provinces naturelles du Québec : Niveau I du cadre
écologique de référence du Québec. Les Publications du Québec, 81 p.
MRN. List of threatened or vulnerable wildlife species in Québec. Fiche descriptive, Grive
de Bicknell.
MRN. Vegetation zones and bioclimatic domains.
Perreault, M. 2010. Description technique et plan, minute 5439.
O.C. 180-2013, Sch
O.C. 180-2013, 2013 G.O. 2, 727
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