C-61.01, r. 12 - Regulation establishing the Réserve écologique de Couchepaganiche

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter C-61.01, r. 12
Regulation establishing the Réserve écologique de Couchepaganiche
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43).
1. Establishment of the ecological reserve: The area described in section 2 is established as an ecological reserve under the name of Réserve écologique de Couchepaganiche, reference 009-02-1983.
O.C. 76-83, s. 1.
2. Description: The ecological reserve established pursuant to section 1 consists of an irregularly shaped parcel of land approximately 38,6 ha in area, known and designated as being part of the original lot 33, parts of lot 34A, part of lot 34B and part of lot 35 of range IV in the official cadastre of the township of Caron, within the boundaries of the municipality of ville de Métabetchouan for the parts of lots 34A, 34B and 35, and within the boundaries of the municipality of Lac-à-la-Croix for the part of lot 33, Lac-Saint-Jean-Est registration division and bounded as follows: in the north by part of lots 33, 34A, 34B and 35, belonging to Réal Potvin, in the northeast by part of lot 33, belonging to Réal Potvin, in the east partially by part of lot 32, belonging to Benoît Côté and partially by part of lot 34A, belonging to Réal Potvin, in the south by the boundary between range IV and range V of the said township and in the west partially by part of lot 33, belonging to Réal Potvin, partially by part of lot 34A, belonging to Réal Potvin, and partially by part of lot 35, belonging to Normand Germain, as described more fully in a deed received before Michel Doré, notary, in Roberval, on 16 July 1982, a copy of which was registered at the Lac-Saint-Jean-Est registry office on 19 July 1982 under number 149461.
O.C. 76-83, s. 2.
3. (Omitted).
O.C. 76-83, s. 3.
O.C. 76-83, 1983 G.O. 2, 765