Certificate of Election1.--IN THE CASE OF ELECTION OF A MAYOR I hereby, certify that the mayor elected for the city of .... ............. (or town of ..................................),as having received the majority of votes lawfully given, is C.D., etc., (names, etc., as in nomination paper). Given under my hand, at ..............................., this ............................................ day of the monthof ................................, 19..... A. B. Returning Officer.2.--IN THE CASE OF THE ELECTION OF A COUNCILLOR I hereby, certify that the councillor elected for seat No ... .................... for ward ................................of the city of ....................... (or town of ............ ...................), as having received the majority of voteslawfully given, is F. G., etc., (names, etc., as in thenomination paper). Given under my hand, at ....................................,this ......................................... day of the monthof ............................., 19..... A. B. Returning Officer.