132.2. The clerk of the court that has rendered a judgment recognizing an act of birth drawn up by a foreign competent authority or recognizing a foreign decision regarding the filiation of a child born of a parental project involving surrogacy in which the woman or the person who gave birth to the child is domiciled outside Québec notifies the judgment to the registrar of civil status as soon as the judgment becomes final.
On receipt of the judgment, the registrar of civil status, as the case may be,(1) inserts the act of birth that has been the object of a judicial recognition in the register of civil status; or
(2) draws up the act of birth from the foreign decision that has been the object of a judicial recognition, indicating the particulars consistent with the foreign decision and, where that decision has established the child’s filiation with regard to only one of the spouses who formed the parental project, the particulars consistent with the judgment rendered following an application made under the second paragraph of article 541.34.
2023, c. 132023, c. 13, s. 61.