C-19 - Cities and Towns Act

Full text
R. S. 1964, c. 193, form 1; 1968, c. 55, s. 160; 1996, c. 27, s. 41.
(Sections 63, 74)

ŠOath of OfficeŠŠ I, the undersigned ..........................................Š Surname ŠŠ ..............................................................Š Given names OccupationŠŠdomiciled at ..................................................Š PlaceŠŠbeing duly sworn on the Holy Gospels, solemnly swear that I willŠact in my capacity as .........................................Š Designation of officeŠŠfaithfully and according to law, without partiality, fear,Šfavour or affection. So help me God!ŠŠ Signed: .....................................................ŠŠ I, the undersigned ..........................................Š SurnameŠŠ ..............................................................Š Given Names OccupationŠŠdomiciled at ..................................................Š PlaceŠŠhereby certify that the person above designated took the oath ofŠoffice before me, on the Holy Gospels, at .....................Š PlaceŠŠthis ..........................................................Š Day Month YearŠŠ Signed: .....................................................
R. S. 1964, c. 193, form 1; 1968, c. 55, s. 160.