85. The balance-sheet must show separately:(a) cash on hand;
(b) deposits in a bank or a savings and credit union;
(c) accounts receivable and provision for bad debts;
(d) debts owing to the association by its directors, officers and members of the executive committee;
(e) the value of the merchandise and produce on hand according to the inventory;
(f) investments with a statement of their nature;
(g) lands, buildings, machinery, equipment and furniture, specifying their cost and the cumulated amortization;
(h) the cost of concessions, patents, trade marks, leases, contracts and licenses, if not amortized and if ascertainable in the books or in a contract of purchase or sale of a property;
(i) expenditures made on account of future business;
(j) accounts payable and other unsecured debts;
(k) debts secured by hypothec or otherwise;
(l) the amount of each class of shares subscribed for and the amount paid on such shares, showing separately the amounts repayable to members;
(m) the surplus resulting from the operations of the association and the variations that have occurred therein since the preceding balance-sheet, showing separately the sums set apart for reserves;
(n) indirect or contingent liabilities.