Training Work experience Complementary Journeyman
qualification training competency
issued by the certificate
Ministère de issued by the
l’Éducation Commission de
nationale de la construction
France du Québec
Baccalauréat 3 years of practice Stone cutting and Bricklayer-mason
professionnel - of the trade of mason, stone laying
Technicien du with not fewer than (90 hours), chimneys
bâtiment: 3,000 hours obtaining and hearths (30 hours)
organisation et the training and refractory
réalisation du qualification brick-rotating kilns
gros-oeuvre (90 hours)
Baccalauréat 3 years of practice N/A Carpenter-joiner
professionnel - of the trade of timber
Technicien construction technician,
Constructeur bois with not fewer than
and Certificat 3,000 hours, after
d’aptitude obtaining the training
professionnelle - qualifications
Constructeur en
ouvrages d’art
Certificat 3 years of practice Surface finishing Cement finisher
d’aptitude of the trade of public with epoxy resin
professionnelle works worker, with (60 hours) and
- constructeur not fewer than installation of
de routes 3,000 hours, after waterproofing
obtaining the training membranes (60 hours)
Baccalauréat 5 years of practice Québec Construction Electrician
professionnel- of the trade of Code, Chapter V -
électrotechnique, electrician, with not Electricity (2007)
énergie, fewer than 5,000 module I (45 hours),
équipements hours, after Québec Construction
communicants obtaining the training Code, Chapter V -
qualification Electricity (2007)
module II (45 hours)
and Commercial and
industrial electric
plans and
(90 hours)
Brevet 5 years of practice Québec Construction Electrician
professionnel - of the trade of Code, Chapter V -
installation et electrician, with not Electricity (2007)
équipements fewer than 5,000 module I (45 hours),
électriques hours, after Québec Construction
and obtaining the training Code, Chapter V -
Certificat qualifications Electricity (2007)
d’aptitude module II (45 hours)
professionnelle - and Commercial and
préparation et industrial electric
réalisation plans and industrial
d’ouvrages electric plan and
électriques specifications
(90 hours)
Brevet 5 years of practice N/A Refrigeration
professionnel - of the trade of specialist
monteur dépanneur technician in cold
froid et and air conditioning,
climatisation with not fewer than
5,000 hours, after
obtaining the training
Baccalauréat 5 years of practice N/A Refrigeration
professionnel - of the trade of specialist
technicien du technician in cold and
froid et du air conditioning, but
conditionnement not fewer than 5,000
de l’air hours, after obtaining
the training
Brevet 5 years of practice Halocarbon Refrigeration
professionnel - of the trade of regulations specialist
monteur dépanneur technician in cold and (7 hours) with the
froid et air conditioning, mention
climatisation with not fewer than “Environmental
5,000 hours, after qualification:
obtaining the training halocarbon”
Baccalauréat 5 years of practice Halocarbon Refrigeration
professionnel - of the trade of regulations specialist
technicien du technician in cold and (7 hours) with the
froid et du air conditioning, mention
conditionnement with not fewer than “Environmental
de l’air 5,000 hours, after qualification:
obtaining the training halocarbon”
Baccalauréat 3 years of practice N/A Millwright
professionnel - of the trade of
maintenance des maintenance mechanic
équipements for industrial
industriels equipment, with not
fewer than 3,000 hours
after obtaining the
training qualification
Baccalauréat 3 years of practice N/A Heavy machinery
professionnel - of the trade of mechanic
maintenance des mechanic for
matériels construction, hoisting
option B: travaux and handling equipment,
publics with not fewer than
3,000 hours, after
obtaining the training
Baccalauréat 3 years of practice Connection of Erector-mechanic
professionnel - of the trade of non- control elements (glazier)
ouvrages du structural metalwork (30 hours) and
bâtiment: technician, with Welding work
aluminium, verre not fewer than 3,000 (45 hours)
et matériaux hours, after
de synthèse obtaining the
training qualification
Brevet 3 years of practice N/A Plasterer
professionnel - of the trade of
plâtrerie plaque drywall plasterer,
with not fewer than
3,000 hours, after
obtaining the training
Brevet 3 years of practice Erection of an Interior systems
professionnel - of the trade of outside wall installer
plâtrerie plaque drywall plasterer, (45 hours)
with not fewer than
3,000 hours, after
obtaining the
training qualification
Mention 3 years of practice Erection of an Interior systems
complémentaire - of the trade of outside wall installer
plaquiste drywall plasterer, (45 hours)
with not fewer than
3,000 hours, after
obtaining the
training qualification
Brevet 5 years of practice Québec Plumbing Code Pipe fitter-
professionnel - of the trade of (120 hours), specialty of
équipements installer of sanitary Manufacture and the plumber
sanitaires and thermal equipment, assembly of
with not fewer than industrial piping
5,000 hours, after (240 hours) and
obtaining the Handling of
training qualification industrial piping
(15 hours)
Baccalauréat 3 years of practice N/A Ornamental iron
professionnel - of trade of worker
Ouvrages du metalworker, with not
bâtiment: fewer than 3,000 hours,
métallerie after obtaining
the training