Q-2, r. 38 - Regulation respecting the quality of the atmosphere

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86. (Replaced, O.C. 501-2011)Indurating process: The indurating process of an iron ore pelletizing plant must not emit into the atmosphere particulate matter in excess of that prescribed in the following table:

type of plant standard

new plant of any capacity 0.10 kg/tonne of pellets produced*

existing plant with a nominal yearly 0.36 kg/tonne of pellets produced*
production lower than 1,500,000 tonnes
of iron oxide pellets

existing plant with a nominal yearly 0.12 kg/tonne of pellets produced*
capacity equal to or greater than 1,500,000
tonnes of iron oxide pellets

* Including the recirculating load, if applicable.

R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 20, s. 86; O.C. 501-2011, s. 215.