5. The physician assistant may, according to a prescription and in the presence of a physician, another qualified professional or a medical resident, engage in the following professional activities:(1) perform a venous puncture;
(2) perform a radial arterial puncture;
(3) perform intubation;
(4) provide care and treatment for wounds and alterations of the skin;
(5) make sutures of cutaneous and subcutaneous wounds;
(6) apply plaster casts;
(7) insert a short peripheral intravenous catheter;
(8) introduce an instrument beyond the pharynx;
(9) introduce an instrument beyond the urinary meatus;
(10) provide tracheostomy maintenance care;
(11) remove a foreign body from beyond the nasal vestibule, the external auditory canal, the skin or the surface of the eye;
(12) make an incision and drain a superficial abscess;
(13) irrigate an external auditory canal;
(14) apply nasal packing.