S-1 - Minimum Wage Act

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10. The Commission may make any investigation deemed useful by it for the preparing or observance of its ordinances and its other decisions and may summon to appear before it or before one of its functionaries, any person whom it believes to be in a position to furnish it with information, orally or by the production of books or documents.
Any of the Commission’s inspectors may, as of right and at any time, examine the registration system, the compulsory register and the pay-list of any employer contemplated by an ordinance, verify as regards any employer and any employee the rate of wage, duration of work and observance of the other provisions of any ordinance applicable, require, even at the place of work, under oath and privately, from any employer or any employee, subject to an ordinance, all information deemed necessary, and, such information having been put into writing, exact the signature of the person concerned.
R. S. 1964, c. 144, s. 9.