P-15 - Summary Convictions Act

Full text
(Section 45)

Recognizance of Bail in lieu of or after a Remand

Province of Québec,
District of

Be it remembered that on the ........... day of ............,
in the year one thousand nine hundred and ....................,
A. B., of .................................., (labourer), L. M.,
of .........................., (grocer), and N. O., of ........
(butcher), personally came before me, and severally
acknowledged themselves to owe to our Sovereign Lady the Queen,
the several sums following, that is to say: The said A. B.,
the sum of ...................................................,
and the said L. M. and N. O., the sum of ......................,
each, to be made and levied on their several goods and
chattels, lands and tenements respectively, to the use of our
said Lady the Queen, if he, the said A. B., fails in the
condition endorsed (or hereunder written).

A. B.,
L. M.,
N. O.

Taken and acknowledged before me, the day and year first
above mentioned, at ................................., in the
district aforesaid.


Justice of the Peace (or as the case may be)
for the district of ................

The condition of the within (or above) written recognizance
is such that whereas the within bounded A. B. was this day (or
on ............................................................
last past) charged before me for that (etc., as in the
warrant); and whereas the examination of the witnesses for the
prosecution in this behalf is adjourned until the ........ day
of ............. in the year one thousand nine hundred and ....
..............; if, therefore, the said A. B. appears before
me on the said ................................................
day of ..................., at ......................... hours,
or before such other justice or justices of the peace for the
said district as shall then be there, to answer (further) to
the said charge, and to be further dealt with according to law,
the said recognizance to be void, otherwise to stand in full
force and effect.
R. S. 1964, c. 35, form 16.