C-68 - Coroners Act

Full text
(Section 5)

Oath of Allegiance

I, A. B., swear that I will be faithful and will bear true
allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (or to the then
reigning sovereign), her (or his) heirs and successors,
according to law. So help me God.

And I have signed.
A. B.

Sworn before me .............................................
at ......................... on the ...........................
day of .................................. 19.....

Oath of Office

I, A. B., swear that I will discharge the duties of my office
honestly, impartially and justly, and I will not accept any sum
of money or other consideration for what I have done or may do
in discharging the duties of my office, apart from my salary or
what will be allowed to me by law or by an order-in-council. So
help me God.

And I have signed.
A. B.

Sworn before me .............................................
at ......................... on the ...........................
day of ..................................... 19.....
Stenographer’s Oath

Province of Québec,
Judicial District of

Before A. B., Coroner of .....................................

I, the undersigned, C. D., stenographer for the judicial
district of (name of the district) living (address of the
stenographer) in the city (or other locality, as the case may
be), in the said district, swear that I will take down
faithfully and correctly by stenography the depositions of the
witnesses who will be heard at the inquest held before A. B.,
coroner of ....................................................,
on the .......................... day of ......................,
one thousand nine hundred and .................................,
respecting the death of ..................................., and
that the copies or transcripts that I will furnish to the
coroner or to any other person will be true and exact copies of
my stenographic notes.

So help me God.

And I have signed.
C. D.

Sworn before me at ..........................................
on the .......................... day of ......................

A. B.,

Coroner of
1966-67, c. 19, Schedule.